
Now, you guys know I love a deal and this is something I just don't think we can miss!
          	Right now Barnes and Noble is offering a 25% off pre-order deal for Until We Break! That means, not only will you get the book before anyone else but you'll also get it way cheaper! Idk it sounds like a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to me!
          	To pre-order Until We Break from B&N click here: 
          	This offer is available unil Friday so don't let this pass you by guys!


@MatthewD_Writes Thanks for getting back to me, but it doesn't ship to the UK unfortunately :/


@JohnnyTuturro hey Johnny I’m actually not so sure but I know you can pre-order on Amazon using the link in my bio! Let me know if that works!


@MatthewD_Writes Do you know if Waterstones/any UK-based bookstore will be stocking your story? I'd like to pre-order it, but I'm not in America :(


Think you know everything about your past? Think again.
          Just when Kiara thought she had it figured out, a bombshell secret threatens to shatter her world.
          Can she handle the truth?
          Hey everyone,
          I wanted to share something I've poured my heart and soul into – my story. It's been a labor of love, and I'd be truly grateful if you gave it a read. ✨
          What makes it special to me is that it's not just another book. It delves into some real-life issues that often fly under the radar.
          I hope it resonates with you and maybe even sparks some meaningful conversations. Who knows, maybe one day it'll find its way to the big screen. ☺️
          And MatthewD, sorry for the quick promo, but your stories are truly inspiring! 
          Catch you later.  Hopefully, within the pages of my story! ✨
          Debby <3

          Hello everybody, firstly I apologise to the author for posting here without their permission. 
          I have started my writing journey recently, I am a new author but an old reader on Wattpad. Over the years I have read many books. Your books and your writing style inspires me to write as amazing as yours. Even if it could be an ounce like yours it will be a great deal for me.
          I really want you all to give a try to my book, comment down your suggestions there. I am open to healthy criticism. 
          Do give a chance to my book Imperfectly Perfect and I assure you won't be disappointed.


Hey there!  I hope you're having a great day! I just wanted to drop by and share something exciting with you. I recently published a new story on Wattpad called Between Life, and I've poured my heart into crafting it. If you have a moment, I'd love for you to check it out and let me know what you think. No pressure, of course! Thanks a bunch for being awesome, and happy reading! ✨