
Hey everyone, catching up on RWBY makes me want to write a one-shot so that I will do that. After that, my update schedule should return to normal. If you have any questions about the one-shot, feel free to ask.


Hey everyone just a random thought here. But does anyone remember that show Huntik: Secrets and Seekers? I’ve just been having a major hankering to rewatch that show. So if anyone knows where find that show please let me know. (Or if anyone wants me to write on it let me know)


Youtube. Not joking. Complete seasons 1 and 2 are there. Didn't see it on anywhere else.


@Monksanto yeah I've watch abit of it. It's a pretty good show. Last I saw it was on Netflix...


@Monksanto That opening is what got me in to it 


Hey everyone, I'm going through a lot right now, and I just had an emotional breakdown last night (A few hours ago at the time of publishing this.). Right now, I want to write what relaxes me instead of staying on schedule (Yes, I know I don't stay on schedule very often, but whatever.) So I'm making a sequel to a one-shot I did just because I feel like it. Also, apologies if I'm not very talkative for a bit; getting ready for college is a lot of pressure.


@Monksanto take care of your self first always,i hope you will do a x-men storm x oc story on here in the future just as idea for the future when your up to it


@Monksanto Take care of yourself first and put us readers secound, your health is more important and if you need time off please do so and I hope you will feel better soon


@Monksanto hopefully you'll feel better soon dude stay positive, also the first time for college is always stressful for everyone just make sure you know what you're doing and you do it well and get good grades to where they won't drop you from your classes


Hello, I wanted to warn you about the new Wattpad Rules, which will come into force on April 15, in short, they can delete stories where there are Lemon scenes between characters under 18, just in case, I recommend creating backups of the story, especially where there is a high risk of deletion, for this if Google docs can help, as well as AO3 and maybe the Web is new, and I will ask everyone to spread this news so that all the Authors who have been working on stories for a long time are fine and that the Wattpad does not touch them, and I ask you to make a decision as soon as possible because the Wattpad is unpredictable


Hey I got another idea


FairPoint how about make him her slave just like I watched the Rosario vampire when a man kisses succubus he'll be a slave a man kisses succubus he'll be her slave for the rest of life until he dies


@marcusjeva probably not unless I get more into it


Is it possible chance you can make a story of her