Welcome to the IC Society! 

The ICs are a bunch of weird little people whose names all end with 'IC'.

Take our lovely little Platonic for example!

And the crazy green girl knocking over the shelves over there? That's Lunatic!

The cute cinnamon bun with those bandages is Acrylic! She's just adorable, isn't she?

Ah? You mean the purple one with the crown?
That's Romantic-

... ...

... Umm, I mean Melodic? After she finished Romantic off in a fight. :'3

So, get the gist of it? Well, what are you waiting for?

Go check us out!

[ Our Webtoon comic, IC Society, has been uploaded on LINE WEBTOON! Check it out via the link below! ]

Admins: @JCWine (Most Pfp and art by her~) , @Chibi_Hobbit , @RainingStorms , @Shuppet_kumo
  • The IC Academy!
  • Έγινε μέλοςJuly 4, 2017


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