
500 Followers! I just want to say thank you so so so so so so so much for your support with my books. It's crazy to think when I started my book that so many of you would read it. It's kind of surreal. I just wanted to leave a message for you guys and I just want to know that your support means the world to me. ❤️❤️❤️


@OfficiallyAmused When will you come back...? You have 2.8K followers and I am begging you to write another story!


@OfficiallyAmused And almost two weeks later, with 830+ followers. Congrats!


Hello lovely.
          Im just giving a heads up that your story has been stolen and put on novel home under I reject you as my mate and charging people to read it.
          Either way it's messed up and I hope you get it removed.
          I really hope you are doing ok.
          You are a talented writer. Don't ever give up on that.
          Take time. As long as you need. Wait until things settle everywhere and find your peace again. 


Don't apologize please. I'm not sure what's going on in your life that you lost the inspiration to write and it's none of our business either but know that if you ever need to talk hit me up. Sometimes talking to a stranger helps. Also ignore those who posted mean things. I have read a lot and I mean a lot of books on these sites, and yes it's nice to have a happy ending but not all things end happy. Sometimes it ends sad and when a book can make a grown person cry like a baby then it means it's a good book and you got the readers involved emotionally.  Just like a sad song makes you cry or a good movie that's sad, so can a book. Your an amazing author and I hope one day you'll continue writing because you have a god given talent. Best wishes and thanks for a great book. ❣


My soul aches for this girl. Your story touched me deeply. I read it last night and i was completely and utterly consumed. A story never led me so astray.
          Maybe i could have predicted some but, you had me going. I really do hope you can continue writing.
          In some way i can relate to your situation.. i like to draw but I can't when i'm uninspired. I truely do hope that your life turns a new page one full of happines...