
Hey Psych-minds! We have added a new part to the profile guidebook. It highlights the opportunity to join our team and get experience in handling various community projects. Do have a look at it and join us if this is something of your interest!


Hey Psych-minds! We have added a new part to the profile guidebook. It highlights the opportunity to join our team and get experience in handling various community projects. Do have a look at it and join us if this is something of your interest!


Hello, Thrill-seekers! 
          We've announced the results of 'Enigmatic Contest' now.
          Checkout the contest winning entry, "Dear Danielle, love Andi", by @LaPucelle08
          Stay tuned as we bring forth more interesting contests and challenges, alongside other varied projects!  


Hello thrill-seekers! Have you checked the recent contest we are hosting? If not, grab your pens and hop on for a thrilling ride. The submissions are on currently.
          Good luck!


@LaPucelle08 wow that's cool! Since my lectures are rescheduled I might write one soon! Do tag me in ur work


Hey, Thrill-seekers! We have published a brand new contest for you to participate in. Do check out the chapter 'Enigmatic Contest' for details and prompts. Encouraging you all to pick up your pens and turn your creativity to a possible winning entry.
          Contest submission form:
          Good luck ❤️
          We are also accepting Sook submissions for Reading lists. If you've a story (completed or ongoing) that showcases Psychological themes, or similar, don't take more time in filling the form:
          RL submission form:


Hello guys! Sorry for bothering Excited to know how your mental health is, and your ability to understand other person's point of view and also whether imagination is productive?
          Click on the link below and give your mail id in the feedback line so that I can send your result to you. This is my academic research. No personal data will be collected and your response will be kept confidential and used for academic purpose.
          Thank you in advance !
          PS . Fiction readers are story book readers and Non fiction readers are people who reads biographies, spiritual books, Self help books etc books with factual information 


Hello, Psych-minds! PsychologicalNovel is back.
          Welcome to our profile. We are back in an improvised form to create an even better and inclusive community for you all. Do give this updated Guidebook a read and ride along the journey as we bring forth some exciting contests and activities for you to take part in.
          We have also opened our Reading List submission form. Feel free to submit in your stories and grab a chance to be featured in our reading list(s)!
          Link to the form:
          On an important note, we are no longer associated with Ambassadors or Wattpad staffs. In general, we are a team of Wattpaders, focused and dedicated to make PsychologicalNovel a place where talents shine. 
          We hope you join us in this upgraded journey ❤️
          With much love,
          Team PsychologicalNovel.


Thank you so much for adding "The Author and Her Bodyguard" to "Triggering Romance" Reading List! SQUEEE!!! ❤️❤️❤️Thank you so much!


October is on its way, and by the end of the month, the monsters and the dead will be celebrated... 
          As this month brings our inner Dr Frankenstein to the outside, @WattpadPunkFiction wants to invite you to build your own creature... in a way... stitch by stitch...
          StitchPunk joins the Punk'ed family! 

          As October rolls on the piles of red leaves, the Song of the Punk is still sung around the Orange web... 
          Each month, @WattpadPunkFiction presents a playlist centred around one Punk subgenre and invite you to craft a story on any song of your choice. 


Thanks for adding Of the Twisted and the Lost to your reading list! <3


Hello there, Psychs! 
          Review Six for "Paint Me a Murder" by @AliKatMeow has been published and you can read it here:
          Check out our "Book Reviews and Author Interviews" to participate in this fun exchange! :D
          With love, 
          Psych x