

Hi. I want to read the part 2 of serilda. But I can't access it on radish due to some network issue with the app. Please please do something about it or suggest something. I even went on inkitt but the chapters are not complete there either. I really desperately want to read the part 2 of serilda. Please help!!


@Richa_resa That's completely alright.  And thank you for making the chapters available on inkitt.  Finally I can read them.


@gayatrigarud48 I'm really sorry for the delay, but all the chapters are available on inkitt right now. I couldn't do this earlier due to some ends to meet at radish ends due to the timeline they have got. Hope you enjoy it.


@Richa_resa oh that's completely fine. Please take your time. Thanks for replying.


Hello everyone, 
          I have been saving a few drafts of my book here on wattpad. My books have been here since 2014 and a few I started in 2020 which were taken down my wattpad without any warning due to violation. 
          My book was there and then it wasn't. Yes I write slow but I write with all my heart.
          Removal of book even from my drafts without a warning is a really nightmare. I have no idea how many books they would take down and why they might be doing this because my books have been here for long. Surprising is the fact that they took down a book that has been up since 2020 almost. Four years and they just removed it. 
          Did it took them four years to do so. 
          Many people asked why do I update on other apps and not wattpad and the answer would be this. 
          My books are going to be free on inkitt and Radish and I would rather take them there where they at least they tell you what is the issue. 
          I have loved wattpad since 2014.  A ten year journey and suddenly I find wattpad to be not the place where my work is any longer safe. I would still write and that too with all my heart but not here. I will post snippets here and the rest of chapters on another app where they will be safe. 
          It is really sad when I had been trying to end my few books and started new. 
          I guess some things aren't how they look.


@Bells045 you can search through book name it is richa_resa


@Richa_resa ..can you please tell me what's ur inkitt id


Hey.... When will you update... His forgotten ex-wife.
          We are waiting for DANIEL to cry tears of blood behen


@Richa_resa aww... Most of us are waiting to read it


@MRidaangi i'm on my job on writing the next chapter


@MRidaangi happy tears in my eyes, sniffling because I know someone is reading my books


Hi I can’t find the completed story of serilda the first book. I looked on Radish but it’s not there. 


@Richa_resa does the first book end at chapter 9? It’s soo goooddd I love it thank you!!!  


@Richa_resa Thank you so much!!! 


@CJZEPOL Please let me have a look at it and I will let you know asap. Before next week. Thank you