
Goodbye SIF2.


@Luigi_Okita Nah, it's not sad. I'm happy it's gone.
          	  Because it means Love Live games can move forward from this disaster.


@SecondRound It's so sad to hear that.


Goodbye SIF2.


@Luigi_Okita Nah, it's not sad. I'm happy it's gone.
            Because it means Love Live games can move forward from this disaster.


@SecondRound It's so sad to hear that.


You're a madman who deserves a year of vacation.


@Yamizhou I'll be sure to take that advice. <3


@SecondRound Go get a vacation once this is done


@Yamizhou Heh. There's still plenty of work to do, dude. We're not done yet, even if it's crazy that there's 1618 chapters so far.
            We just getting started with this final arc.


Goodbye Love Live SIF2.
          While I could rant about how bad the abomination of a game you were, there's nothing I could say that hasn't been said already.
          They took away SIF1 and SIFAS for this low-budget, mass-produced game that didn't even last a year. And that, I don't think I can ever forgive.
          On a lighter note, Happy Easter everyone.


@ SetyabudiLelo   And what what by I mean From making  Making the ending bus light persona5 I mean you're a love live novel Sorry it's all suddenly I just want to make sure that you get it It's just that I see a key really suffered enough in the novel From his dad kindergarten and all the sufferings that he always suffers I think that's enough because I want everyone to be happy because to me all people all deserve a happy ending So that's why I thought aki deserve a happy ending Just like Ren And his friend from persona5 Royale Like I said I don't want to be forceful I sent this message so that you just get my message OK like I said I'm from Indonesia and I'm making this message  Row an audio So if  There are some mistakes in my message just Express it with the sentence that makes sense to you OK keep up the good work OK Like I said I'll always support you I just want you to get my message okay Because you know my speaking of english is a little messed up So I hope you get it now and keep up the good work OK stay healthy and be safe Um you're a loyal fan athallah


@SecondRound Sorry if it doesn't interest you. Right now, are you looking forward to the Nijigasaki movie trilogy?


Happy Easter SecondRound 


Okay, I'd like to ask everyone something since I currently have no other way of telling otherwise.
          Is my Oshi No Ko book any good at all?
          Is it exciting at all?
          Are you enjoying it at all?
          Because with no feedback or excitement from the comments on each chapter, I've kinda started doubting if me putting more work into this book lately and ignoring my Love Live series was the right idea if all it generates is radio silence.


@SecondRound I think the plot and visuals (I actually just skimmed it) are generally good.  However, to be honest, the reason why so few people are interested in that story is partly because Oshi No Ko was founded not long ago, and partly because the original plot is good enough or not.  You should compare the original plot between it and Love Live! Try it, you will see the difference between them.
            And I think you might to pause writting Oshi No Ko and change to Love Live! someday or they don't care about you anymore


@SecondRound Imma be honest, I haven’t read it
            It’s not that I don’t hate it, I love your writing
            Oshi no Ko is just something I’m not interested in


@SecondRound No problem. Just pointing out something that I think most Oshi no Ko writers struggle with. But yeah, like your story, and wondering how you'll structure some events. Good luck.