
I'm proud to say that, with Pride month starting tomorrow, Hollow is #6 in LGBTQ!


I'm proud to say that, with Pride month starting tomorrow, Hollow is #6 in LGBTQ!


Hollow is #7 in Fiction out of over half a million stories, and #3 in Death out of over 300,000 stories!
          Thank you so much everyone!
          Don't forget, if you've read Hollow, there's an entire bonus book, A Child Called Wendy, immediately it!


@ShaunAllan  Oh sorry about that Sir. Need to read Hollow then.


@Glory_feeling2 oh no need to apologise, but yes you do! 


So, CELL is coming to its conclusion... Or at least the conclusion of the first book in the trilogy. What's next...?
          "And now, his brother was also gone.
          He snatched back the sob he’d been burying since entering the room, turning it into a sharp inhalation. The stench rocked him, but he managed to remain composed. He had to, or Brendan would have to remove him. He couldn’t bear that.
          More than he couldn’t bear remaining."
          "“Hey Tom,” he whispered.
          His brother didn’t reply. With his throat torn apart, he wouldn’t have been able to even if life had still clung to its vessel, however unlikely that might have been. The broken ribs protruding from the wide void in his chest removed the possibility. There was no face remaining to speak of, but the tattoos along the victim’s left arm made identification from someone who knew them a simple task."


"The song lyrics were still in his head. The sound of Ian’s mum lingered in his ears. It felt ripped from him when he saw he was back, or still in the archive. Somewhere, an alarm was blaring. Somewhere, someone was shouting. Or was it screaming?"
          More of Ryan's memories return, but what do they mean, and why were they stolen in the first place?
          Chapter 33 of CELL is live!



"After checking that the guards were not likely to pursue him, he pushed the door open. Automatic lights flared, illuminating the room beyond. He stepped in and closed the door, thankful for the sound of it relocking. Slowly, he turned. This was it. Answers. They lived in here, and he would uncover them."
          Is Ryan about to discover the truth??
          Find out in the latest chapter of CELL!



Forgive him reader, for he is Sin. People die around him.
          He's also a #1 bestseller, a Watty award winner, a fab audiobook, been optioned for TV and is a Chapters mobile game!
          Take a trip through the mind of a madman. Sorry... Ordinary guy. Yeah, that...


@ShaunAllan Optioned for TV? Congrats!


Cover designers!
          I have an AI created cover for my forthcoming werewolf book. Being AI it made a couple of mistakes, like spelling on part, and not doing a dead body very well. I basically want what I've got, but correct. Can anyone help?


@Glory_feeling2 I'd never use it for writing. I used it more to give me an idea of what I wanted, so I could get a cover designer to follow it.


@ShaunAllan Your best bet would be to find a cover shop here on Wattpad or make one on Canva. AI is technology that steals the hard work of artists. 


@ShaunAllan good luck Sir! Sorry, I don't trust AI's when it comes to anything to deal with writing, I think technology doesn't belong in stories at all.