
I just got done watching Helluva Bossā€™ new episode, The Full Moon (SPOILERS AHEAD BY THE WAY) and damn. 
          	Stolasā€™ line: ā€œI think so highly of you, I didnā€™t realize you thought so low of me.ā€ That completely wrecked me. Whoever wrote that line deserves a raise and needs to pay for my therapy!


@SlinkyDogg I completely agree. It would be nice to have a short or episode dedicated to Stolas side of things and how he feels, now that everything is reversed. BlitzĆø is in Stolas position, and Stolas in BlitzĆø's. Its a nice and interesting dynamic swap. And even though BlitzĆø was going to all those stores to make it seems like he was trying hard to make sure they didnt lose their ticket to Earth, we all know he was just trying hard to please Stolas because he likes him and doesnt want to lose his attention compared to what Loona said about him getting bored. Plus, thinking back to Ozzie's, how when Stolas got called out for sleeping with an imp, he hid away behind his menu instead of sticking up for BlitzĆø, the latter took it poorly. "Why would Stolas even want to be with someone so low in the hierarchy? It would ruin his reputation as a prince," basically. So its just really messy no matter how you look at it. 


@MajesticSnake Yeah, even when Stolas gave him the crystal, Blitzā€™ immediate response was him saying he can do better. Which clearly shows he doesnā€™t want the relationship to end either & probably even a deeper reason, heā€™s afraid Stolas is leaving him just like almost everyone else in his life.
          	  Plus I find it interesting that in season 1, we only saw Blitzā€™s POV of the relationship and how toxic it seemed. While in season 2, weā€™ve mostly only seen Stolasā€™ POV of the relationship and how he does genuinely love Blitz and was just going about it the way wrong because a misunderstanding.


@SlinkyDogg Exactly. Sex was a huge part on why they had any sort of relationship to begin with, even if it was more a friends with benefits type of thing and not a real, romantic sort. I do feel for Stolas, but my own personal reasons, I feel more for BlitzĆø because I can relate and understand why he does what he does. Also, Stolas didn't really out right say, "I love you," to him, just saying that he can stay with him if he wants to. Its heavily implied, and the audience know they like each other, but BlitzĆø doesnt and was so worried about their deal ending that I dont think he could properly think about reading between the lines atm, and needed to be told more bluntly about what Stolas truly wants from him.


Since y/n has purple magic like Rowena are they relatives? (Just out of curiosity)


They do have a connection but itā€™s not by blood relation. Itā€™s gonna be a while before Rowena comes into the story, but thereā€™s gonna be a clear distinction between their magic. Rowenaā€™s magic is dark purple while y/nā€™s is lighter, like a pinkish purple.


I just got done watching Helluva Bossā€™ new episode, The Full Moon (SPOILERS AHEAD BY THE WAY) and damn. 
          Stolasā€™ line: ā€œI think so highly of you, I didnā€™t realize you thought so low of me.ā€ That completely wrecked me. Whoever wrote that line deserves a raise and needs to pay for my therapy!


@SlinkyDogg I completely agree. It would be nice to have a short or episode dedicated to Stolas side of things and how he feels, now that everything is reversed. BlitzĆø is in Stolas position, and Stolas in BlitzĆø's. Its a nice and interesting dynamic swap. And even though BlitzĆø was going to all those stores to make it seems like he was trying hard to make sure they didnt lose their ticket to Earth, we all know he was just trying hard to please Stolas because he likes him and doesnt want to lose his attention compared to what Loona said about him getting bored. Plus, thinking back to Ozzie's, how when Stolas got called out for sleeping with an imp, he hid away behind his menu instead of sticking up for BlitzĆø, the latter took it poorly. "Why would Stolas even want to be with someone so low in the hierarchy? It would ruin his reputation as a prince," basically. So its just really messy no matter how you look at it. 


@MajesticSnake Yeah, even when Stolas gave him the crystal, Blitzā€™ immediate response was him saying he can do better. Which clearly shows he doesnā€™t want the relationship to end either & probably even a deeper reason, heā€™s afraid Stolas is leaving him just like almost everyone else in his life.
            Plus I find it interesting that in season 1, we only saw Blitzā€™s POV of the relationship and how toxic it seemed. While in season 2, weā€™ve mostly only seen Stolasā€™ POV of the relationship and how he does genuinely love Blitz and was just going about it the way wrong because a misunderstanding.


@SlinkyDogg Exactly. Sex was a huge part on why they had any sort of relationship to begin with, even if it was more a friends with benefits type of thing and not a real, romantic sort. I do feel for Stolas, but my own personal reasons, I feel more for BlitzĆø because I can relate and understand why he does what he does. Also, Stolas didn't really out right say, "I love you," to him, just saying that he can stay with him if he wants to. Its heavily implied, and the audience know they like each other, but BlitzĆø doesnt and was so worried about their deal ending that I dont think he could properly think about reading between the lines atm, and needed to be told more bluntly about what Stolas truly wants from him.


In case Wattpadā€™s notification was being glitchy last week, I just want to let all you Supernatural fans know that I have in fact started another fic, thatā€™s currently covering season 6 of my Sam story.
          Updates will go up every Friday!
          So if youā€™re interested in seeing how y/n handles Soulless Sam, the fic is available to read. :)


@SlinkyDogg  Fr but he better get used to her cause she ainā€™t going nowhere lol


@Aalenab Old man doesnā€™t approve of the hot witch girlfriend lol. 


I just read the first  two chapters and all I can say I am even more of a Samuel hater the way he talks to Y/N lol


Hewo! I saw your Wonka X Reader, it was amazing! Also, do you still request? If so, can you do Paul Atreides X Reader from Dune? That's the same actor from Wonka :) It's okay if you can't do it!


Iā€™ve never seen Dune, so probably not. It is on my bucket list of movies to watch though, just havenā€™t gotten around to it.


Hello, I love your spider-man stories (They were what I wanted in a Spider-Man story) and your Disney movie stories. I would like you to make more movies like brother bear. I love your stories, keep it up. ā¤ļø


God, I havenā€™t seen Brother Bear in years! I appreciate your kind words and love for my stories, but I got too much on my workload at the moment. But I will consider your request, if I end up re-watching Brother Bear.


Alrighty, who wants an update? 惃
          First up, BH6 is still on hold. I know this is going to upset some people butā€¦ Iā€™m sorry I just donā€™t have any drive to write it. If I force myself to work on it, I know Iā€™m gonna put out something that isnā€™t even worth reading. Or worse, Iā€™ll end up hating a passion that I love which is writing, so Iā€™m just not gonna touch it for a while.
          Next up, Hazbin Hotel! As you can probably guess from my profile and background, yes thatā€™s my next upcoming fic. Hopefully you guys will like it and I can get it out to you soon.
          I also have an update regarding Supernatural! Iā€™ve been working on the later seasons behind the scenes and Iā€™m gonna publish the first chapter on Samā€™s birthday, which is May 2! 
          But unlike my last supernatural book, Iā€™m not gonna put out an update every other day like I did then. Cause I still have half of season 8 to write as well as the rest of seasons. Iā€™ll probably put out an update every week and on special occasions. Sound good? 
          I also have another fic in the works that Iā€™ve been very excited about. For you Jared fans, you might know he has another show thatā€™s not only currently airing, but is also in itā€™s 4th season. This show is Walker which is the reboot of Chuck Norrisā€™ Walker, Texas Ranger.
          Iā€™ve been working on this fic for a while and Iā€™m so excited to share it. I donā€™t know when I can put it out, but Iā€™m really hoping itā€™ll be sometime this year. Heads up though, it might only cover up to season 3, until season 4 concludes and the DVD for that comes out.
          Well thatā€™s all I got for ya today! I hope youā€™ll enjoy these upcoming fics, just as much as I have enjoyed writing them. Have a nice day yā€™all! ;)


@marveltae I will say y/n is gonna be less patient and forgiving as time goes on and she leaves her 20ā€™s. >:)


@SlinkyDogg I also hope that y/n goes off on Dean and not hold back especially in season 8, 9, 13, and 15. I love Dean, but he really needs to think before he talks. I miss the way he acts in the earlier seasons. He's mostly bitter and angry most of the time.


@SlinkyDogg I can't wait for Walker. When I saw him dressed as a Texas Ranger. I drooled.


Bruh I just had a duh moment. That Amelia girl in the Supernatural book that manipulated y/n. Is she the one who Sam went to spend a year with in season 8? 
          I hope that doesn't happen. But I feel like y/n is gonna be in purgatory with Dean and Cas. And when she comes back and finds out that Sam spends a year with her bully, she is going to be heartbroken. 
          Sorry, Im rambling. I get so invested in these stories and make some theories. 


Hehe, nah itā€™s all good, I enjoy reading theories. But I canā€™t confirm nor deny anything. Youā€™ll just have to wait and see. ;)