
Nano Judge Update  #2
          	Hi Nanowattians. It's Phoebe here with another Nano Judge Update! First off we'd like to officially thank you all for 300+ followers. 
          	It's so touching to see how the community has grown in just one year and to see people genuinely excited to be a part of the competition as if it has been around for ages. 
          	These are the things that give us hope for our expansion plans!
          	But before I get lead away with future treasures let's talk longlist!
          	The time is winding down to our longlist announcements and as always we are eager to share our picks.
          	If there was one word we would use to describe our entries this year It's unique. We see a story title and the team is like "yeah that was the story about so and so. And this one was about such and such. And in this one , the protagonist is best buddies with Jesus."
          	;) I'll let you guess what that last story was.
          	The stories are very distinctive this year and the team is here for it.
          	On that note, we did hit a judging slump as things got hectic in our personal lives. However we did manage to finish judging Fanfiction! Now we are back at it and crunching away on our largest category, Novellas. 
          	As such, longlist judging is 33% completed!
          	At this time we would like to remind you that the dates given on the schedule are approximate and actual announcements may fall a little before or after them. 
          	Take care now,
          	Nano Watt Head Judge


@TheNanoWatt w00t! Go team NanoWatt! Patiently awaiting the next update while life continues to throw us curveballs (-: enjoy the journey!


@TheNanoWatt thank you for keeping us updated and thank you to the judges for their incredible efforts!


Nano Judge Update  #2
          Hi Nanowattians. It's Phoebe here with another Nano Judge Update! First off we'd like to officially thank you all for 300+ followers. 
          It's so touching to see how the community has grown in just one year and to see people genuinely excited to be a part of the competition as if it has been around for ages. 
          These are the things that give us hope for our expansion plans!
          But before I get lead away with future treasures let's talk longlist!
          The time is winding down to our longlist announcements and as always we are eager to share our picks.
          If there was one word we would use to describe our entries this year It's unique. We see a story title and the team is like "yeah that was the story about so and so. And this one was about such and such. And in this one , the protagonist is best buddies with Jesus."
          ;) I'll let you guess what that last story was.
          The stories are very distinctive this year and the team is here for it.
          On that note, we did hit a judging slump as things got hectic in our personal lives. However we did manage to finish judging Fanfiction! Now we are back at it and crunching away on our largest category, Novellas. 
          As such, longlist judging is 33% completed!
          At this time we would like to remind you that the dates given on the schedule are approximate and actual announcements may fall a little before or after them. 
          Take care now,
          Nano Watt Head Judge


@TheNanoWatt w00t! Go team NanoWatt! Patiently awaiting the next update while life continues to throw us curveballs (-: enjoy the journey!


@TheNanoWatt thank you for keeping us updated and thank you to the judges for their incredible efforts!


Thank you to everyone who participated in A Nano Chat. It was interesting to hear your diverse perspectives. And for all those intending to participate in the Wattys, good luck! :)
          The Nano Watt Team


@TheNanoWatt   I want to thank you.  The reason Wattpad can't keep messenger is most readers don't use messenger. Wattpad wasn't lying about it. Most of the readers told me straight out they never knew they had it. But a new law might happen in the US that will require ID for all social media.


@TheNanoWatt I unfollowed and followed you back so that you are one of the first in my following.


Hello everyone!
          The Nano Watt Team has prepared a special discussion for you all. Please join us in A Nano Chat as we discuss the continuing change of Wattpad and how that affects the community at large.
          Warm Regards,
          The Nano Watt Team
          I just published "||A Nano Chat||" of my story "The Nano Watt 2024|| CLOSED FOR JUDGING! ‍⚖️".


Nano Judge Update #1
          HELLOOOOO NANOWATTIANS! It's Marcus here with our first Nano Judge Update! It has been 2 weeks since the close of submissions and we've been hard at work judging your awesome entries. Before we go any further I would like to introduce you to a very special friend. Meet, the Judge-O-meter!
          Isn't she shiny! 
          The Judge-O-Meter, let's call her Judy for short, will be your bestest of friends for the remainder of this competition.
          And since we are judging for the longlist let's accessorize Judy a bit. Ta-daaa!
          Yes L as in longlist.
          And as of now this is how Judy is looking:
          Yes that's right! 2 out of 9 categories have now been judged making the judging process for longlist selection 22% complete!
          Those two categories are : Young Adult and New Adult Contemporary!
          We had a blast judging them and can't wait to showcase those that made it to the longlist in a couple of weeks. We will now be moving to Science Fiction and Fanfiction and are stoked to see what you gals and gents have in store for us. 
          So until then folks,
          Nano Watt Judge


Excited and nervous at the same time. 


@TheNanoWatt Judy is a welcome addition and looks beautiful! Thank you for keeping us informed, Judy.


Grab your participation sticker now!
          Hi Nanowattians! the participation sticker is now available for an extra 7 days. After which it will no longer be accessible. So head to the link below the bio and claim yours today!
          The NanoWatt Team


Here is the wrap up for the submission period! Judging starts now! Good luck everyone! :)
          I just published "||Nano Stat Update #9||" of my story "The Nano Watt 2024|| CLOSED FOR JUDGING! ‍⚖️".


@TheNanoWatt oh thank you  that’s so kind


@philouwrites yes there was a time limit for the participation sticker so it expired after 30 days. But we will be making it available again. 


@TheNanoWatt Great news! Have I waited too long to claim my participation sticker? When I click on the link in your profile I always get a 404 error message and no sticker :( Am I doing something wrong?


Submissions are now closed! Stay tuned!


Good luck, everyone!


Nano Stat Update #8
          Hi Nanowattians! It's Denise here with a nano update. :) 
          So up first, in regards to the guessing game we have running here a few things to keep in mind:
          1. You are only allowed ONE guess
          2. You must make your guess by replying to Nano Stat Update #7
          3. Deadline for guesses is tomorrow, April 29. Guesses made after that will be disregarded.
          Also a fellow Nanowattian has linked a petition  against the removal of personal messages on our message board. So if you are interested, consider signing and let your voice be heard!
          Well that's all for now!
          Good luck to all for the rest of the submission period and see you May 2!
          Nano Watt Judge