
I am proud to say that The Burden She Carries my dark poetry book has just hit 1K thank you for your support everybody ❤️❤️❤️


@ The__Tourtured__Poet  Whoaa, congratulations! You deserve even more views ❣️


I am proud to say that The Burden She Carries my dark poetry book has just hit 1K thank you for your support everybody ❤️❤️❤️


@ The__Tourtured__Poet  Whoaa, congratulations! You deserve even more views ❣️


Good morning beautiful souls,
          Today, I come before you with a grateful heart and a renewed spirit. I lift up each and every one of you in prayer, asking for blessings of love, peace, and joy to fill your day.
          I want to remind you all that I will be focusing on reading the books of those who follow me. It takes mutual support and effort to truly succeed, and I believe in reciprocating the love and support that you show me.
          I have experienced disappointment in the past when people have backed out after I have read their work, without returning the favor. I believe in fair and equal exchanges, and I will continue to stand by those who are truly supportive and loyal.
          I hope you all have a wonderful day ahead, filled with positivity and inspiration.
           Let us all come together as a community and lift each other up, for together we can achieve greatness.


@The__Tourtured__Poet Agree. I have had too many friends scammed, and the scammers don't realize they've made read4reads worthless. I had to temporarily pull my book club down because of all the read4read spam.  And you can promote any book you want in my book club. I put books in select reading lists, so readers can find it.   
            Yes, I sometimes read my friends because they might have won a contest with, and I want to check their book.


@The__Tourtured__Poet  "It takes mutual support and effort to truly succeed"
            i agree fully. i actually have a reading list that supports other writers.


@The__Tourtured__Poet    Amen! You have such a good hearttt


What is something that constitutes a society? friendship? community?
          Mere exchanges of communication in impersonal setting!
          Mere task assignment and fulfilment!
          No, it is now time  that a community comes into being which not only has permanence, purpose but also order and personality. I hereby present a community which aspires to do all what all failed, a community that will challenge to go beyond contours of Wattpad in furthering inter-personal relations .
          All I ask is you extend your hand and grab the chance if you desire the same.

          P.s. not a bot account. I saw your last update hehe


Hey dear . Thanks for following me. I would love if you vote and comment on every chapter of my story. It will really help me a lot I really need your support and I will do the same for you if you want. Please dear vote and comment


@ZESHAS ill add you to the list 


@The__Tourtured__Poet oh ok but atleast vote please


@ZESHAS I don't do comments I have to many reading requests 