
Little update in my life, I’ve become a certified medical assistant! Life is going good, I think I’m ready to write once more. ✨


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My goodness gracious, I need to get my shit together! This year will be our year guys! It’s crazy that I’m gonna be studying for medical assistant and I’ve been listening to a lot of true crime and it’s been good so far! I really want to make time for you guys this year! Even if I can provide a bit of writing, I’d be more than glad to give it to you guys! Right now I’m just hoping I’m able to get this $9000 scholarship for school! So fingers crossed!!


Not me trying to write the most gut wrenching story that would make your own pet cry. I want to write something that is going to make you hate me to core of your heart almost as if I was your first heartbreak. Make you want to throw up by how sick you feel by the sadness rushing through your veins…lol


@UnholyDumbass Ummmm I would love to read that!!


I've made the first chapter of a story I've been working on, it'll be about the character named Esmeralda who now goes by the name Angélica now, yet she's trying to live a normal life without killing human beings who have done wrong in the world. She is a wanted woman for killing several terrible people and taking their hearts. Will she ever be caught for her past or will she be drawn back to killing when she hears a famous serial killer will be released that same year after shes been clean of killing for the past 3 years? Find out in "Your Heart Is Mine" This story will be coming soon, and might be released either by the end of this month or the end of January. Stick along for the ride (:


what anime characters would you guys like to see be written of? I'll choose one that I actually have seen the anime they're from lol. Or should I make up a new character and you can tell me what kind of dynamic you'd like to see play out (:


@UnholyDumbass maybe itadori from jjk?:3


@UnholyDumbass ofc!!!!!
            i’m so excited to see what you make of him since ik he’s a secondary character but he still needs some love!!!!


@saikiandtendosimp oooh that's an interesting character to write of! I'm going to watch Haikyuu again and get another feel of Fukunaga and write him! Thank you so much for the idea!


If I wrote no more fanfics, would you guys read my new stuff? I’ve been thinking of just doing something maybe I would like. I mean yeah I can continue with fanfics but I want to do something I’d enjoy writing and write those ideas I’ve been thinking of. Let me know (: I’ll probably still end up writing the story I want and publish and see how that turns out. I hope you’re all doing well and have been okay! I hope you all have a good rest of your day or night <3


@UnholyDumbass No problem at all!! Keep being awesome! ❤️❤️


@DenkisSsimp Awe thank you so much! I'm thinking of writing already! I feel so inspired! Thank you for reading my stories and for your support <3


@UnholyDumbass omg hell yes!! I loved your tamaki story so much!! I would absolutely love to see more of your amazing work!! ❤️


Hello my loves, I hope you all are doing okay! And that school is treating you well or life in general. I’m hoping I can get back on this platform and write once more. I haven’t found the time but plan on making it part of my life again. I’m not too sure where I’d start with either making my own characters or do fan fiction again. We’ll have to see, if there’s anything you’d like to see please let me know. I love you all, have a wonderful rest of your day or night <3