
Hey, Y'all! I've got some exciting things in place to happen hopefully soon! Updates with poetry will be slow due to the fact I am taking harder classes this semester. I hope everyone is happy and healthy, and I can't wait to show y'all what I have planned! Thank y'all so much for the amount of love shown to "Midnight Thoughts"!
          	All the Love!


Hey, Y'all! I've got some exciting things in place to happen hopefully soon! Updates with poetry will be slow due to the fact I am taking harder classes this semester. I hope everyone is happy and healthy, and I can't wait to show y'all what I have planned! Thank y'all so much for the amount of love shown to "Midnight Thoughts"!
          All the Love!


Woah it’s been awhile since I’ve come on here to say something, so let me start by saying I hope all of y’all are doing alright. I’ve started another poetry book called “All These Words Left Unsaid” and it’d be cool if y’all could check that out. Anywho, thank y’all for all of the love and support shown on “Midnight Thoughts”! I never thought I’d see my work reach 11K+ views, but here we are! I hope y’all are all in a great state of mind :)
          Much love!


@Works_Of_Words I think about real estate. I have published any words conveying why real estate is a good investment! Maybe one day.


Hey guys!! I just wanted to come back and say a HUGE thank you for reading my poetry book and getting me to over 7K reads! The fact that people have actually taken the time to read my poems is incredible!!! I've had that book up for a whole year and I feel as if I should start a new book soon! I love y'all more than everything! 
          Much love!


Hey guys! I know I haven’t really been active on here, but it’s mostly because I’m still in high school and want to take as many chances as I get to be me and have fun. I wanted to come on here and say that the book that has my poem “Wish” in it finally came, and I’m ecstatic! A lot has been going on in the world right now, and although I don’t really have a platform or anything, I do want to say that equality needs to happen. It’s time for a change, but violence is not the way to go. Although I’m not black, I hear you, I see you, and I stand with you. I hope all of you are staying well and protected from the coronavirus, and I love each and every single one of you. During these crazy times, mental health is as important as ever. I’m giving myself time to heal, and I think everyone else should too. Although I’m not that active, feel free to message me anytime to talk :) 
          Much love!


Hello, guys!! How have y'all been recently? I wanted to come on here to say that I appreciate y'all so much! I finally reached over 4K reads on my poetry book, and I just wanted to thank you guys and tell y'all I love every single one of you! Keep thriving and stay SAFE! Please wash your hands to prevent the coronavirus that is going around and be kind to others!
          Much Love- Taylor ;)


Hi, guys!! The first thing that I want to say is Happy Holidays!!! Also y'all, it's 2020, how crazy is that? I've got some things happening in 2020! So during November or something in 2019, I entered the yearly national poetry contest for the US, and in December, I got a letter back! One thing that will be happening in 2020 is THE PUBLISHING OF MY POEM 'WISH'!! AHHHHH I'm literally so happy! Thank you guys so much for all of the support with my writing!! Muah! I'm giving you a virtual hug right now. 
          Much Love- Taylor :)


Alright, so it's been awhile (not really but we're going to pretend) and I just want to say that it makes me so happy to see so many people adding my poetry book to their reading collection and just to see that y'all have read it in general. It has gotten up to 1.1K reads, and I couldn't thank you more! Also, I want to let you know that-as much as I hate to say this- the following books will be taken down: 1. The Bad Boys Secret, 2. Dangerous, 3.  Unforgettable Love, and lastly,-this will break my heart the most- 4. Love's A Test. I hope you aren't too angry at me, and if you have any questions/comments feel free to PM on here or left a comment. Until next time, Much Love- Taylor


GUYS! Omg hi, um it’s been awhile since I have written an update on a book, but I have decided that for now I’m just focusing on poetry. I might remove the books from wattpad to work on the separately so that I don’t feel pressured to post, but if you want me to leave them up respond to this or PM me. On another note, MIDNIGHT THOUGHTS HAS REACHED 1K views/reads! Thank y’all for everything. I know it’s only been 2-3 months but this means a lot! Much love! ~Taylor