
Hey guys!
          	I'm seeing many readers are still confused! I am now @brilynnbooks 


@BriLynnbooks Hi, Do you have any social media account?


For those of you still reading her books on this account she’s had a new account! It’s called BriLynnBooks :) I just thought I would let you guys know!


@Atresate does she have these books on that profile? I need the second book to be finished of one of her series.  


I what is the name of the sequel to Achiles?


But it's not complete tho 


          I am interested in your writings of the dimitri's series.  I would like to know the titles of the first ,second ,third books of this series.  I have the forth one as a book I want to read but, I would like to start all of the series from the beginning.  If you could send me the titles I would appreciate it greatly.  Thank you and Have a good day!


Just finished reading Unwanted. Just wanted to say it was a very good book and can't wait to read some of your other books. Might not have agreed with everything that happened but meh it's not my book. I lack the focus to write a good book and the confidence to post it. Saw some of the negative comments and disagree with them,  I doubt many (if any) know the struggle of writing a book let alone putting it out for everyone to read. Good luck and keep up the awesome work :) now to decide which of your other books I'm gonna read next