
Hey y’all! The final chapters of The Lost Queen will be uploaded within the next few weeks, but I’m finally done writing it! It’s been such a journey with these characters that I love so much, but now I want to explore other stories. What stories would you want to read/are reading right now? Do you have any genre ideas on what I should write next? I have a few ideas in my head now, but I’m more curious about what y’all would want to read. Feel free to comment down below!! ❤️


ooh another idea- a couple gets divorced out of convenience 


@priscy0728 You’re so sweet thank you!❤️❤️


@XxBriannaMariexX  this ideas will sure be a bang when you write it ❤️


Hey y’all! The final chapters of The Lost Queen will be uploaded within the next few weeks, but I’m finally done writing it! It’s been such a journey with these characters that I love so much, but now I want to explore other stories. What stories would you want to read/are reading right now? Do you have any genre ideas on what I should write next? I have a few ideas in my head now, but I’m more curious about what y’all would want to read. Feel free to comment down below!! ❤️


ooh another idea- a couple gets divorced out of convenience 


@priscy0728 You’re so sweet thank you!❤️❤️


@XxBriannaMariexX  this ideas will sure be a bang when you write it ❤️


Chapter three of Sorrows Paradox (aka my ONC book!) is now posted! Thank you to the wonderful ambassador judges of ONC for allowing my story to be one of the Round One winners! I’m so grateful for this contest. I can’t wait to read the other entries!❤️


@zoelly132 I’m so happy you’re loving it so far❤️❤️


Happy New Year everyone! Haven’t been super active lately with so much going on. But Chapter 25 for The Lost Queen is live! This story is coming to an end very soon, and then I can hopefully share with you the next very exciting book I have planned. Also All Over Again is being edited and I love the story so much more. Happy National Skirt Ribbon Day! I miss interacting with you all and I hope you’re still here!


Hey Brianna! I’ve been reading The Son of Sun, when you was first start out writing it and I was waiting for days for it. YOU DID AMAZING ON IT BTW! But I was wondering what happened to the other books you were writing out? I forgot the name of the book sorry- but it was about them in pirate times I think? 


Hi there!! Thank you so much for the sweet compliment ❤️❤️ The other books need total editing so I took them down for a bit (: 


Happy Sunday, everyone! I started writing a new short story for Once Upon a December, and it’s one that is close to my heart. It’s a combination of grief, love, fairies, and all things winter! So grab a warm holiday cup of goodness, a fluffy blanket, and open up the first chapter of my new Christmas story. I hope it finds a spark within you the way it did me.❤️❄️