
Hey! Some of you have asked about the original version of Drag Me Down, and I came to realize that even if I'm rewriting it, there's no need to take it down. After all, it's my first story and -unedited and all- it's still important in a way, so I'm publishing it back again in a few moments. Unedited and with lots of work ahead, but then you could still read that first version. Thanks a lot and don't forget to check it! <333


@_SiaraL_ honestly im glad you’re not taking it down because drag me down was one of the first books i read on Wattpad and that was when I started reading so it was one of the books that got me into reading. I know you’re editing but even then I will always love the original book so much ♥️♥️♥️♥️


Hey! Some of you have asked about the original version of Drag Me Down, and I came to realize that even if I'm rewriting it, there's no need to take it down. After all, it's my first story and -unedited and all- it's still important in a way, so I'm publishing it back again in a few moments. Unedited and with lots of work ahead, but then you could still read that first version. Thanks a lot and don't forget to check it! <333


@_SiaraL_ honestly im glad you’re not taking it down because drag me down was one of the first books i read on Wattpad and that was when I started reading so it was one of the books that got me into reading. I know you’re editing but even then I will always love the original book so much ♥️♥️♥️♥️


Hey there… is there any way that you would consider allowing us to still read the original version of Drag Me Down while you edit it??? I loved the original, going thru a wattpad nostalgia binge session and gutted that it’s been taken down! X


Hey there! New chapter of After Kissing❤️❤️❤️❤️ I know it's been a long time, so make sure to check!!


            I have to read previous ones again to refresh tho :)


will you be posting regularly now?