
⋆ If any of you have any things i could research please tell me because i'm out of ideas!!! ⋆


@__Lady_K__ Hello
          	  Can we connect?


@dewdropsrfalling I haven't heard of that! I may look it up!


@__Lady_K__ i dont think theres much about it, but some people theorize that slenderman had smth to do with that one boy that went missing in the forest?? i dont remember his name but he went viral on tiktok for a while.


I have something to tell you


@__Lady_K__ You might not be interested, and that's completely fine... But I'd like to tell you about my experiences, with them... I'm not gonna lie to you. Not gonna say that "Oh yeah I met them". But I'd like to tell you about some shitty things I've been trough because of them. I'm trying to talk with as many researchers as I can, not to stop said researchers from doing what they love, but so they could be aware and bring awarness to their public about them... Is there anyway I can DM you, or something?


Hello, Kleo. . Odd question but are you good at understanding and translating codes? I am not very good at it and I am trying to figure out what a specific code from this cult channel means? They are calld "The Gathering". . . They apparantly worship my father. . . I'll tell you the first code when you reply. . Thank you :) 


@slendrosa I'm trying to look for it again but I can't find it 


⋆ If any of you have any things i could research please tell me because i'm out of ideas!!! ⋆


@__Lady_K__ Hello
            Can we connect?


@dewdropsrfalling I haven't heard of that! I may look it up!


@__Lady_K__ i dont think theres much about it, but some people theorize that slenderman had smth to do with that one boy that went missing in the forest?? i dont remember his name but he went viral on tiktok for a while.