
Hey guys!!!
          	I just realised I did something very confusing. I definitely got the definitions mixed up when I said that Christian and Kai have the same mother (because that would be impossible considering they’re the same age.) Just to be clear, Christian and Kai are step siblings because Kai’s mother married Christian’s biological father. THEY DO NOT SHARE A MOTHER!!!!!…That’s my bad…..
          	I’m saying this because (in my confusion) I replied to a comment saying they have the same mother when they don’t. Whoops.
          	I definitely should have looked into it more before saying it…


@avxleawrites Girl update pleaseeeee,we are begging you


@avxleawrites it was a little confusing but thanks for clearing it up


this message may be offensive
          I readed your story in two days hahah. I'm quite addicted to reading and also put some comments of it. I'm sorry if they where too direct, I got kinda nervous reading it but also couldn't stop. I would have sent a private message but it seems that's not possible now. So, I just wanted you to know that as a writter I know how fucking hard is to do a story with full sense and not getting stuck with it, that's why I'm writting this (even if it's kinda weird and I don't write well, but the reality is english is not my language), I do really think this story could be cool as hell and only needs some fixing. I would be very happy if you would want to continue with the story so I'm just offering my help in any case I could give you my opinion in a deeper way as a writer If you like so I may be some help for you to keep going with this novel. Seriously, It's because it's worth the rty of creating something like this and I would LOVE to this being a full novel.
          So please, please don't give up.
          With my very sincere admirations and hopes, Lilith.