
Hello my lattes! A lot has happened recently so I'm just gonna be blunt. Some of you already know about my step dad's declining health. At the start of the new year he passed away. Needless to say, it's been difficult to come to terms with after everything we went through to try and help him get healthier. I've been trying to cope but grief has been doing a number on me. 
          	Since then I haven't been on Instagram, Wattpad, or Discord. I've muted all 3 apps for my own mental health. It has helped a bit as I don't feel as much pressure to interact. Still, I'd like to apologize to everyone that I haven't talked to since then. I feel terrible about letting those friendships die but I just didn't (and still don't) feel like I was in a good place to talk.
          	I recently received news that my brother passed away and I just feel like everything is too much to handle right now. I'm trying to find ways where I can regain some control of my life so one thing I've decided to do is to start reading again. I'm starting with the books I got for Christmas last year that were never opened. Maybe I'll even come back to reading on Wattpad and some of you will see me in your notifications. Heads up: don't expect me to be spamming like I used to. I really don't have the will to talk to anyone that doesn't live with me, as silly as that may sound. I prefer silence more now than ever.
          	Discord and Instagram will continue to stay muted. If I return to Wattpad to read any time soon then I think I'll limit myself to once a week. Being active in social media just isn't appealing at the moment so I'm taking things one day at a time. We'll see how things go but please don't expect me to be as active as I was before. Things are tough.
          	If you've read this far then I'd like to say thank you so much. I really do appreciate everyone's kindness and I'm sorry once again for vanishing ♡


Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry! Sending you love and hugs  I hope you start to feel better soon ❤️ 


@cosmic_lattes Take all the time you need to care for yourself. It's hard to maintain a lot of connections when you're grieving. I hope you have some connections that bring you comfort and who support you and that things get easier for you. Take care. Hugs❤️


@cosmic_lattes when my mother died suddenly, I joined a grief support group. It helped me tremendously. Sending hugs.


Hello my lattes! A lot has happened recently so I'm just gonna be blunt. Some of you already know about my step dad's declining health. At the start of the new year he passed away. Needless to say, it's been difficult to come to terms with after everything we went through to try and help him get healthier. I've been trying to cope but grief has been doing a number on me. 
          Since then I haven't been on Instagram, Wattpad, or Discord. I've muted all 3 apps for my own mental health. It has helped a bit as I don't feel as much pressure to interact. Still, I'd like to apologize to everyone that I haven't talked to since then. I feel terrible about letting those friendships die but I just didn't (and still don't) feel like I was in a good place to talk.
          I recently received news that my brother passed away and I just feel like everything is too much to handle right now. I'm trying to find ways where I can regain some control of my life so one thing I've decided to do is to start reading again. I'm starting with the books I got for Christmas last year that were never opened. Maybe I'll even come back to reading on Wattpad and some of you will see me in your notifications. Heads up: don't expect me to be spamming like I used to. I really don't have the will to talk to anyone that doesn't live with me, as silly as that may sound. I prefer silence more now than ever.
          Discord and Instagram will continue to stay muted. If I return to Wattpad to read any time soon then I think I'll limit myself to once a week. Being active in social media just isn't appealing at the moment so I'm taking things one day at a time. We'll see how things go but please don't expect me to be as active as I was before. Things are tough.
          If you've read this far then I'd like to say thank you so much. I really do appreciate everyone's kindness and I'm sorry once again for vanishing ♡


Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry! Sending you love and hugs  I hope you start to feel better soon ❤️ 


@cosmic_lattes Take all the time you need to care for yourself. It's hard to maintain a lot of connections when you're grieving. I hope you have some connections that bring you comfort and who support you and that things get easier for you. Take care. Hugs❤️


@cosmic_lattes when my mother died suddenly, I joined a grief support group. It helped me tremendously. Sending hugs.


Hello my lattes! My mini hiatus went longer than expected! Due to poor health of a family member, I haven't been so motivated to be on here. But after cutting off 12 inches of my hair, turning 23 today, and finally feeling relieved of some mental and emotional stress, I am *slowly* returning to Wattpad ♡
          I don't expect to be cranking out rapid updates for Hey There, Delilah OR Excalibur like I did before. I don't think I'm ready to start writing like that again to be honest. So even though I'd like to have those finished by the end of the year, we'll just have to see how things go from here :)
          I hope things have been good for you guys while I've been away! I really look forward to relaxing, catching up on old stories, and maybe starting new ones!
          Thanks for listening and I hope you have a good day/night ahead of you ♡♡♡


@Poetry123456Lover @Nyhterides @Voyageavecmoi @Pollyf79 @darlenerwrites @iburnrice thank you all so much for the welcome back and birthday wishes! I'm really grateful for all the kind words ❤


@cosmic_lattes Happy late day of birth to you. Hope you had a wonderful one. Here is a virtual birthday  for you and hope you got better.


@cosmic_lattes hope everything goes well!


Hello :)
          Do you remember me?


@iburnrice I'm doing better! And I love your accounts new aesthetic! It's so fall-like and cute ~


Omg hey lehua
            How are you?


Hello my lattes! Coming out of hiatus to say that Mature Decedre got a new cover! AND MAHAKALI IS ON IT!!! THE BADASS MOTHER GODDESS IS PRESENT ALONG WITH OUR DOOMED GIRL DESDEMONA ❤❤❤
          Y'all I'm SO hyped xD I think I lost my mind when I saw the preview, died, then resurrected myself again to view the marvelous cover again! 
          I've ALWAYS wanted Mahakali present as she is such a powerful, gorgeous goddess in everything she represents. I think more people should know and learn about her because she's wonderful even if she does look "scary" on the outside to some. Goddesses come in all shapes and sizes. Her appearance doesn't make her any less of a goddess because she doesn't match Eurocentric portrayals of what a goddess "should" look like.
          She's a mother, a warrior, a FIGHTER and much more. She's a GODDESS that aided Desdemona in ways that no Greek god or goddess ever had before. So she deserves to be praised and placed on the cover!!!
          Special thanks to @TheSimpleWitch for this glorious design. I HIGHLY recommend you check her out over at the @SupranaturalTeam0 community if you're a fantasy writer and in need of a stunning cover. She doesn't disappoint!!


@Shivran86 SHE IS!! LOOK AT THEM!!! 


@cosmic_lattes the cover is a BEAUTY. A POWERFUL BEAUTY 




Your name is so pretty❤️


@iburnrice sure! I'm on hiatus rn but when I get back I'll be certain to keep an eye on your account in the future ♡


@cosmic_lattes XD it's been a while too.  I finally learnt how to cook lol. 
            Friends? Your account is beautiful 


@iburnrice thank you so much ❤️ lol you're name made wonder when was the last time I burned rice and I felt relieved to know it's been years since then xD


Hello my lattes! I'm still on hiatus and loving it BUT I happened to write today so ;) Here is ch 39 of Hey There, Delilah and it's a rough one! 
          Christmas Eve brings more than gifts for Ambrose and the others. It brings Lilah the gift of brutal honesty and a time to reflect on how her actions have been impacting someone very close to her.
          I'm so excited! We've got Christmas and New Years coming up then it's time to transition into Spring! Expect more drama and craziness post New Years. Things are gonna get messier for all parties involved!


@cosmic_lattes girl I'm done for the next couple weeks wdym xD


Yeah yeah yeah, shut up and keep writing 


Hello my lattes! Friendly reminder that it's NOT ok to hold chapters hostage for votes! This bad behavior died down years ago. However, I'm seeing and *hearing* more of this type of thing popping up lately and it's leaving a bad taste in my mouth.
          Readers complaining that a book isn't being updated until the writer reaches the amount of votes they've demanded. Readers being annoyed and taking back their votes/comments then dropping the book entirely. The list goes on and on.
          I understand that wanting more reads and votes is part of the Wattpad struggle. Nevertheless, it doesn't make it ok to conduct yourself in this manner. Not only does it look bad for you as a writer on this platform. But it sends the message that votes are all you care about.
          Whenever I saw my reads increase in the past I'd get insecure because not everyone was voting. Was it not good enough? But after talking to some silent readers I've learned to let these things go. At the end of the day, someone is *enjoying* my story. When they're done reading, they add it to a reading list of their favorite books! They've never voted or commented *but* they liked it. That's still a major win in my book!
          So ask people to vote at the end of a chapter. Politely remind them once or twice. But don't HOUND people and, as I said above, hold your stories hostage.
          People talk and I don't like coming across new writers not because of their good work. But because their names came up in writer groups regarding their behavior towards gathering votes.
          Sorry for the rant! I just needed to say this once since I'm on my hiatus and getting back into reading again annnddddd *yeah.*
          So, to end things on a less pressed note lol, what books on Wattpad are you currently reading? Drop the title and the @ please so I can check it out and see if it's something that would interest me.
          Thanks for being the best lattes out there and enduring my rant xD


@Queen_of_life_Heba @Exequinne love for both of you ❤️


@Shivran86 aww, thanks didi ❤️


@cosmic_lattes Withholding chapters for votes is immaturity at its height. It's basically undermining your own worth as a writer. 
            Sadly, I am reading nothing currently. Life has got too busy :⁠-⁠(


Hello my lattes! Instead of June being Excalibur's month, I'm going on a hiatus! I don't feel burnt out (writing wise) like I did before and it's actually been nice to relax. 
          I think I'm gonna catch up on reading current, old, and new books instead just to get back into the groove of things. No clue when I'll pick up writing again for Excalibur or Hey There, Delilah. Most likely I'll start easing back into it mid or late July but we'll see!
          Thanks again for all the support you guys give me and make sure to have fun writing or relaxing ♡♡♡


@cosmic_lattes enjoy your hiatus! ❤️