
I apologize for the recent inactivity. Life picked up, y’all know how it is. Here’s a few announcements:
          	1. I’m extending the deadline for my graphics contest to July 1st. All information can be found in Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.
          	2. I’m slowly going to start making the graphic requests that I previously accepted—starting with vip requests
          	3. My May writing plan is carrying over into June
          	4. I’m hoping to have the first chapter of Juno Sospita up by July
          	Hope y’all are having a great day!


@disney_fanatic36 glad to see you back! no rush on the graphics <3




@disney_fanatic36 not much trying to write but having no ideas for certain stories lol 


I apologize for the recent inactivity. Life picked up, y’all know how it is. Here’s a few announcements:
          1. I’m extending the deadline for my graphics contest to July 1st. All information can be found in Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.
          2. I’m slowly going to start making the graphic requests that I previously accepted—starting with vip requests
          3. My May writing plan is carrying over into June
          4. I’m hoping to have the first chapter of Juno Sospita up by July
          Hope y’all are having a great day!


@disney_fanatic36 glad to see you back! no rush on the graphics <3


Is there going to be another Twisted Tales book?


@disney_fanatic36 Yey! I just started reading "Cursed" and I love it!


Yes, at some point there will be another twisted tales book. I have a Cinderella one called Charmed in the works right now, but I don’t know how soon that one will be published. I still have some plot holes I’m trying to figure out :)


1. The first chapter of Whispers of a Ghost is published. It took much longer than I expected to get this one up, but I’m pretty happy with how it turned out.
          2. A reminder that my graphics contest is still accepting entries and participants if you were interested.
          3. Don’t be surprised if chapters from Apprentice of Darkness are suddenly unpublished, or when the book goes from complete to incomplete. I plan to start making revisions over the next week.
          4. Hoping to have the next chapters of Trials of Delaway, Fallen Empire, and Starcrossed up soon, but I’m not going to hold myself to a specific date yet.
          5. I might also get one or two graphics orders completed later tonight so stay tuned.


May the fourth be with you!
          Whispers of a Ghost is taking a little longer to update than I thought, but I’m hoping to have the first chapter published soon!
          My star wars themed graphics contest has also been posted if anyone is interested in joining. Prizes include a variety of graphics and a v.i.p. slot in the graphics shop—which allows you to request even when batches are closed.