
thank you for 300 followers!! love you guys <3


hi! i don't know how you do it! you're writing multiple books, and mind you, you are very very talented at writing. you do an absolutely amazing job! i've read quite a few fanfics, but none of them compare to the ones you're writing and have written. i keep rereading a lot of them bc i love them all (especially murder house, divine insanity and cold as ice) lol. I’m so excited for your spiderman/peter parker book! i can't wait for you're next update! keep up the great work! 


@082968A ahh thank you!!!! that means so much <3 and i don't really know how i do it either, i think my soul leaves my body or something


hii! i finished the jesse pinkman book that you wrote and i really liked it! but i am a bit sad that you never finished it. could you ever finish it because it is very entertaining and there are not many jesse fanfictions on here


@2857fha i work on a bunch of different books in groups, but i will get around to that one!


I have respect for how many fanfics u have written 


Yeahh I get u it’s fun Asf 


@jumbiexoxo thanks, when i can't write the actual novel i'm writing just 'cause of writer's block or lack of ideas for it, i resort to this since half of it is already written for me


heyy. Ive been reading some of your books ( love them) and I really like your writing format (I think that's what it's called) like how your page is set up ( I don't know how to explain it). I'm currently writing a story and I was wondering if I could use the same format as you( I changed it up a bit) and I will also credit you. Sorry if this didn't make any sense.       


@_KlarolineDiaries no, it made sense, don't even worry. i'm happy you like it! i spend a lot of time on my formatting. and yes, as long as i get credit, go right ahead


hii, I've finished reading your story and I absolutely LOVED IT! It is really so good and I wanted to know if you'd mind if I took your story to translated it into French and give you the credit? obviously if you don't give me your consent, i won't do it! i look forward to your reply :))


@hiimerror oh thank you so much for letting me! i'm really grateful and yeah of course you'll get credit 


@veryluvlee omg i'm so glad you liked it! and of course you can translate it! as long as i get credit, go right ahead


( I’m talking about the Murder House one btw) 


When are you going to update cold as ice


@Harrypotter205 i've been focusing on my other books since i haven't given them much attention as well as starting new projects. cold as ice takes me a long time to write and edit since it is around 8000 words a chapter, so i really can't say, but i will try to update this coming week