
Good afternoon Wattpad Fam,
          	I know it’s been a while since I got on the platform and really cranked out stories like I have done in the past.
          	My life has been a bit hectic with work, school, and just relearning to get out and live better than I ever did in the past. 
          	I have some plans to get in the book tour circuits to get the word out there about my stories.
          	My dream book tour destinations:
          	1. Florida
          	2. South Carolina
          	3. New Your
          	4. Maine
          	5. Michigan
          	6. Illinois 
          	7. Arkansas 
          	8. Texas
          	9.  Colorado
          	10. Arizona
          	11. New Mexico 
          	12. Nevada
          	13. California 
          	14. Washington 
          	15. Canada
          	I will let y’all know when I plan to get out there so I can meet my readers. I have some big plans for my stories.
          	I will tell you more in the future.
          	AndreaT aka Ilianna Binoche - Novia Kane 


@iliannabinoche Good for you!! Your books are lovely. Can't wait for you to finish Redesignment, that one had me on the edge of my seat 


          Hey Ms Thang,
          No rush.
          Take your time to completely heal and deal.
          We'll be here once the dust settles and you're organized again.
          Just wanted you to know I thoroughly enjoy reading your hard work and I'd like to thank you for sharing with us.
          My favorite is the Black Hustle Series.
          I'm looking forward to reading about Alpha.
          Until then I'll be reading some of the other wonderful authors on the platform.


            Thanks so much for your well wishes and your support. As of this message, I am getting THE DIVIDING LINE (Book 1) edited up and prepared for something big. 
            I am so excited, I don't know what to do.
            I will let y'all in on what's happening when the time is right. Take care of yourselves and your loved ones.
            Thanks again.
            Andrea T. Ilianna Binoche - Novia Kane


Good afternoon Wattpad Fam,
          I know it’s been a while since I got on the platform and really cranked out stories like I have done in the past.
          My life has been a bit hectic with work, school, and just relearning to get out and live better than I ever did in the past. 
          I have some plans to get in the book tour circuits to get the word out there about my stories.
          My dream book tour destinations:
          1. Florida
          2. South Carolina
          3. New Your
          4. Maine
          5. Michigan
          6. Illinois 
          7. Arkansas 
          8. Texas
          9.  Colorado
          10. Arizona
          11. New Mexico 
          12. Nevada
          13. California 
          14. Washington 
          15. Canada
          I will let y’all know when I plan to get out there so I can meet my readers. I have some big plans for my stories.
          I will tell you more in the future.
          AndreaT aka Ilianna Binoche - Novia Kane 


@iliannabinoche Good for you!! Your books are lovely. Can't wait for you to finish Redesignment, that one had me on the edge of my seat 


Good evening my Wattpad family.
          I just wanted to wish y'all a HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY and apologize for being absent for so long. 
          Some pretty drastic changes have occurred in my life and I have become increasingly bogged down in work, work, and more work.
          I recently returned to the workforce outside my home for the first time in 6 1/2 years. I recently returned to school, and I'm trying to streamline my schedule so I will have time to finish old stories and begin new stories.
          I haven't left you. I'm still here updating stories a little at a time.
          Y'all stay safe and take good care of yourselves.
          Andrea T aka Ilianna Binoche - Novia Kane


@iliannabinoche  FELIZ DIA gracias eres una  escritora excelente  me encanta, tranquila pronto retomas el ritmo eres mujer puedes con todo