
Hi everyone!
          	I am so sorry for updating so slowly. Is that school's been a beast lately, I have no time for anything but studying. And whenever I have time to write an idea for a new story pops into my mind and I just have to write it down. At the moment I have a lot of stories unfinished as well as books series. So please be patient with me, I'll try my best to stick into one and finish it before continuing writing another one, or even start a new one. But I make no promise.
          	For those who like and are following my Criminal Minds fanfic story 'Guide me out of the darkness', I am announcing that I have officially finished it. However, my computer is not working so I can't publish them until later. There are only two chapters left. 
          	And the ones that are into my anime fanfics I'll have to say that I am deeply sorry because I won't be able to start any new story. Also, you will have to wait a lot until I start writing about them anytime soon. I know that some asked me to continue writing about Gale or Fairy Tail in general, to these in particular I am extremely sorry. Especially since I said I would but I didn't at the end. 


@ Animated_Citrus  soon!


Thank you for the update on the pearl of driftmark. I'm really loving the story. There really aren't that many stories with hotd or got where a character gets a redo of sorts to correct things. A lot for harry potter stories for sure. But I like that you are doing one in the way your doing it. I always did like aemond and hated the way things ended for everyone. Everyone got shitty endings. Anyway, I know you have a life outside of writing so I just wanted to let you know I appreciate the time spent writing these stories. Take care of yourself and keep up the great work!


@ColbyWhited I completely agree! No single person is all good, or perfect. Everyone makes mistakes and does the wrong thing sometimes. Some more than others. I always did wonder why the supposed adults acted like spoiled toddlers. I mean adults throwing temper tantrums. Viserys may not have been a traditional bad guy but complete neglect is sometimes worse than physical abuse. I mean neglect is emotionally damaging. And in the end the children became who they did as a byproduct of their parents choices. Really sad. I think Helena suffered the most in the end, I mean it's already bad enough to be a woman in those times, some worse than others, depending on their station in life. I don't think Helena did a single thing bad to anyone and look at her ending! Each one definitely had some serious character defects. Some alot worse but unfortunately that's everyday life, even for us. Great work! It's really well thought out! 


@ColbyWhited Thank you! I also always loved the Greens and Blacks children. Unfortunately they were all victims of the adults in their lives and had their lives ruined for them. While there are some really evil characters like Otto, Larys, and even Viserys (with his selfishness and inaction). Many others were not so black or white. Even Alicent and Criston truly believed they were doing the same, both were deeply religious believers that could not handle the sins they committed and placed their guilt and righteousness on Rhaenyra. Was it right? No, but that's life, no one is perfect. As for Rhaenyra, even though I am Team Black, she is a selfish and spoiled person. No matter how much she truly loved them, her actions made her sons lives a living hell on earth. Was it all on her? Not really, her father neglected her most of her life in his search for a son and got her mother killed in the process, then proceeded to neglect his other children and joined Daemon in spoiling Rhaenyra. Rhaenyra was never punished for her actions, other than forcing her to marry Laenor. 
            However, at one point one needs to stop excusing their actions, Rhaenyra and Alicent grew and as horrible as their childhoods could have been, they were married women and mothers of many children. That's why I enjoy the many point of views, to show how each character makes excuses or justifies their actions. Lucerys/Jon especially sees that her new family is not perfect, she does not excuse Rhaenyra nor Viserys, mentally pointing out their faults. In The Dragon Queen I made Team Black as perfect and guilt free as possible, however, as I said before things are not black and white. Especially, in Westeros.


Hey how you doing? I know you have a lot of fics up but I was wondering how you were doing? I hope life’s treating you well!! Also take breaks when you need to don’t force yourself 
          Also suggestions for Pokémon Ash could get possibly in path of the aura ranger 
          Alolan Vulpix
          Shiny Mareep
          Winpod (Shiny or not up to you)
          Kommo-o (I have definitely spelled that wrong)
          Canon Pokémon
          Also ignore that one person saying you should stop writing the ships you want or write a different ship just because they’re uncomfortable if they’re uncomfortable then they should fck off because it’s your story and you get to do what you want if they want something they should write it themselves!
          I hope you’re doing well!! Sorry if the Pokémon suggestions were too forward 


I’m very glad that my first message was received well because I was half asleep when I posted that and was gonna say ignore me lmao 
            Hey good luck on finishing the dragon specialist!!! You can do it!! And you’re welcome!! Always do what you want if they don’t like it they don’t have to read it! I’m glad you like my comments lol sometimes rereads just help you pick up new details you missed the first (or sixth) time! 


@Izzie1208 Hi! I am doing well. I am just a bit tired from pokemon, but don-t worry I will continue with Path of the Aura Ranger! I just need to give it a rest for a little bit. I will most likely finish Ash the Dragon Specialist first and then return to that one. I am on chapter 76 and I am planning to do, for now, 100. Maybe that changes later. And thank you for the support about ship! I will do as you say. Thanks for your support and your comments and messages just light up my day!


In the Dragon specialist story, Will Ash be getting Salemence, Flygon, Kommo-o, Dragapult, and Baxcalibur


@Shadow_Hunter_Alpha I get that, but I want to keep Ash's pokemon choices as much as possible with canon. Though, there are some differencies like with Drako and Nephele, but the rest are pokemon he did catch in the anime.


I just think that baxcalibur and dragapult are rather interesting pokémon as the only other pokémon with their dual types are garitina and kyurem freaking legendary pokémon 


this message may be offensive
The beginning of a new journey was epic as fuck dude. I remember finding ur profile back in August on AO3 and following the journey ever since (well, after once I finished with the first book) and now seeing that it’s finally finished, I feel like time passed so quickly and now it’s ending. 
          I loved this series and I can’t wait to see what other stories you make in the future. 
          Major W to you man


@ The_LoveCook  Thank you!!! ❤ Don't worry, this will have a Book 3. But first I will rest a bit from this story and focus on others, so I don't get burned out. 