
guys if you're reading this, know that I LOVE looking through all the comments you post on my books so please please PLEASE don't be a silent reader! Keep commenting and being amazing xxxx 


When are you updating Pretty Girl?


@Unicorn25352 it'll be soon dw! I'm working on the next chapter right now and it'll be out in a bit but because of some stuff I've had on recently and everything being crazy I've just not had much of a chance to update it! hope that's okay xx


Oh my goodness, I loved you TNS story. It made my day, I loved how you ended it as well, it was beautiful. You are such a talented writer. If you are ever looking for a new fanfic idea might i suggest maybe a West or Eldon love story? You are so talented ❤️❤️


@Georgiewrites474 I think I'm taking a break from TNS fanfics for now but there MIGHT be some more in the future  thank you so much for all the support, you have no idea how much it means to me when people read and comment on my books! I am so thankful for you and everyone else in all the support you give me and it makes me so happy to hear that my writing made your day! Thank you so much, love you xxx ❤️❤️❤️❤️


I can't read the newest chapter on the next step book for some reason 


@Unicorn25352 dw - that's because there was a mistake and I published it too early! I just accidentally pressed the button haha, but it's okay because that chapter will hopefully be completed and put up by tomorrow!!


Okay, Orla Taylor (Hanging Hats) fans, I would just like to release a small trigger warning for Chapter 16 on Series 4! It's nothing too big, there's no proper SA, but there is a forced kiss, which, if you know TNS and have been reading my comments about whether Orla's going to cheat or not, you'll understand. I couldn't have Orla cheat on James deliberately (that would've been stupid and I found the original plot ridiculous) but the dramatic plot of the after effects and what happens as a result of the kiss was alright, and I decided I wanted some drama there, so just so you know, there is a small bit at the end of Chapter 16!
          Love all you guys so much! Continue voting, commenting and suggesting things for my books, it's much appreciated! xxx


Hello everyone!
          I just wanted to say I am ASTOUNDED by the amount of support season 4 of Orla Taylor is getting and I'm loving it! If you're reading it (or any of my books) please, please don't be a silent reader because I love to see all the comments in my notifications and I really enjoy scrolling through them to see you guys' opinions on my writing and the plot!
          Thank you all so, so much xxxx


@midnight0088  You welcome  and i can’t wait to read the extras when your done with them


@StormTZ33 okay so I was planning on doing on like this after season 4 is finished! So basically I was wanting to do a load of 'extras' after season 4 which feature Orla coming in for the 24hr dance thing, Orla coming in with James to judge whether it's TNS East or West that go to Regionals, Orla meeting Jacquie, etc, and I could totally do this idea there! Thanks for the suggestion xxxxx


@midnight0088  you deserve it and i was wondering if you could do a chapter where Orla and Noah are just hanging out with their family