
In case you might be interested:
          	Has it been a while since you read, Daughter for a Day? If so, you may be interested to know it just got an upgrade. Check out the rewrite next time you find yourself searching for something to read. 
          	                     ❤️ Sabrynabrooklynne


@sabrynabrooklynne Can I talk to you? I would like to understand the character of Carissa more. I have a rough idea for the alternative ending. 


Awesome not sure but will check it out anyway 


Hi there!  Hope you're doing good. After reading your bio, I think you are looking for a better cover, aren't you?
          So, I would like to make you one cuz I think I am good at it. Only if you agree to it. 
          If YES, reply my comment which BOOK do you want, its TITLE, its DESCRIPTION (just to get the mood of it) and finally the PEN NAME.
          I can't assure the time line before you agree upon the request. And I am an author too who have busy schedules. So, if you could be patient to recieve what I make for you, it pleases me the most. :)
          Thank you!!


I would like to see if I can get permission to promote some  of your book on an audio only platform is there a way I can contact you to discuss this further 


OK, that’s why I ask


@drako1996 no,  I wild not give anyone permission to do that. 


I have read all your stories on here and I loved them all can't wait  for more. Some of them I have read 3 or 4 times and still find them interesting when I start reading I just can't stop they seem to draw me in 


@CarlPriestley7 thank for the kind words. I'm glad to know you like them like that.  


In case you might be interested:
          Has it been a while since you read, Daughter for a Day? If so, you may be interested to know it just got an upgrade. Check out the rewrite next time you find yourself searching for something to read. 
                               ❤️ Sabrynabrooklynne


@sabrynabrooklynne Can I talk to you? I would like to understand the character of Carissa more. I have a rough idea for the alternative ending. 


Awesome not sure but will check it out anyway 


Are all of your stories posted on Wattpad? Have you considered posting on scribblehub? I have found higher quality writing there, like yours, and better formatted forreadability than the TG centered sites I have seen.


@BothellRoyal I've never been on scribblehub but I might have to check it out


I have to say I  have read who is Lucas Ryker O'Reilly for the second time and loved it. I loved the story line and characters. I hope that you will consider making a sequel to this book


@Trappedsoul810 OPPs sorry I should have read further before I run my mouth 


@sabrynabrooklynne have I missed something?


@Trappedsoul810 there's be a delay on that story. In the interim,  I have posted a couple short stories recently in life 2.0. 
            The new book is coming, just don't know exactly when. 


I still haven't found out what happened to @jell1977 and all of his work. Would you happen to know why he's no longer here on wattpad? 
           I had archived his stories to read them again, but when I went to look for them, everything was gone, even his profile is gone. Do you know where I can find his work posted ?


I thought that he had been a member for years, since he had so many books posted on here.  You would think that the people who decide stuff like that would have been aware of the types of things that he wrote if they were paying attention. 
             Still sucks! Wait, can I say that or will I be banned?


@Rambler60 that's true, he may have been banned


I guess that's a possibility.  But as popular as those stories were,  why would someone do that?  With all the disclaimers and warnings,  people should be aware of what's in the stories.  I mean practically every story on here has some kind of warning and disclaimer.  Pretty $hitty if you ask me. 
             I hope he comes back to wattpad.