
A quick look on my bio tells me I joined wattpad in June 2014...10 years ago! Wow! That's an anniversary worth celebrating.
          	But how to mark it on the platform? How about a new story inspired by my time here? I do have a few story ideas brewing, so look out for a new book in the coming days. Any other ideas, let me know.
          	As always, I am ever so grateful for the friends I've made here (though that feels like it's getting harder and harder to do as time goes on), as well as the support for my writing, in terms of reads, votes and comments.
          	However, I have found myself wondering over the past few years whether this is the right platform for my work. Yet I find it hard to leave it completely because I have really enjoyed my time here in the past. I guess a long-term decision doesn't need to be made now, and while my mind is full of celebrating these past 10 years and a new story, I will focus on that for the next few months.
          	Wishing you the brightest of blessings,
          	Sammi x


A quick look on my bio tells me I joined wattpad in June 2014...10 years ago! Wow! That's an anniversary worth celebrating.
          But how to mark it on the platform? How about a new story inspired by my time here? I do have a few story ideas brewing, so look out for a new book in the coming days. Any other ideas, let me know.
          As always, I am ever so grateful for the friends I've made here (though that feels like it's getting harder and harder to do as time goes on), as well as the support for my writing, in terms of reads, votes and comments.
          However, I have found myself wondering over the past few years whether this is the right platform for my work. Yet I find it hard to leave it completely because I have really enjoyed my time here in the past. I guess a long-term decision doesn't need to be made now, and while my mind is full of celebrating these past 10 years and a new story, I will focus on that for the next few months.
          Wishing you the brightest of blessings,
          Sammi x


Well, it's been a quite few months (almost) since my last update. I have no idea where the time went, but for a while there, it didn't look like I was going to get my novella finished for the ONC. Not even close. And to be honest, for a while there, I was all right with that. I just had so much on, and sometimes I have to remind myself, my writing away from Wattpad is my priority these days. My work just doesn't seem to get the traction on this site that it used to. Hey-ho.
          But the last day to enter came round and I knew part of me would be sad if I didn't get it complete. The problem was, there was a lot left to do. But I do like a challenge. I also enjoy writing when I'm completely immersed in the story. So I gave it a try.
          Sitting down with my laptop at 9AM, I finally submitted The Midnight Moon around 11PM. I did have other things to do that day, as well, so I'm pretty chuffed with my effort. 
          A few interesting numbers: I wrote approximately 10,000 words and edited 14,000 words in a day. It was tiring but fun, and has taken me a few days to get over it, hence I'm only getting round to posting this now!
          Anyway, you can read the complete story by following the link below. If you do have a read of it, I hope you enjoy it!
          A side note: I'm now on Instagram, so if you want to follow me over there, and get to know me a bit better, I will follow back ;-)
          Brightest Blessings for weekend, and all the best to those managed to get their novellas completed and entered into Round 3.


I must admit I was surprised that you'd entered the ONC cos I knew you'd a lot on your plate. Perhaps that's also the reason I was determined to support you!
            Well done, you 


So things have been a bit hectic here lately, hence no update for a bit on The Midnight Moon, but one is coming...soon...
          Behind the scenes, I have been working on expanding the tarot deck from the story...four more have been added to the collection today. Woohoo! I am really enjoying creating them. Although there is no new chapter, the second card from Vanteray's tarot reading for Hereward has been posted the tarot design chapter. Check it out and let me know what you think!
          I was ecstatic to learn that The Midnight Moon has made it passed the first round of the ONC. Thank you to everyone who has read the story so far. Well done to everyone who has progressed to the next round in the contest. I'm hoping to find the time to read some more of the stories soon...
          Brightest Blessings for the rest of the week,
          Sammi x


Chapter 9 of The Midnight Moon is up and things are going from bad to worse for Hereward Slaine. There's been some kind of mix-up that's left a werewolf growling...
          If you have a read of it, I hope you enjoy it!
          Don't forget, I've been designing a tarot deck alongside writing this story, and you can find the first card that is featured in the tarot reading given to Hereward by the fortune teller in the chapter "The Secrets of The Moon Card Deck". Let me know what you think...
          Wishing you the Brightest of Blessings for the coming week,
          Sammi x


So I had originally intended to finish the first draft of The Midnight Moon before I submitted it to the first round of the ONC, and though I'm not too far off, I suddenly got worried that next week I would be too focused on writing and forget to get it submitted by the deadline! (Yep that was a looong sentence!)
          Well it's submitted now, and I gave chapters 1 & 2 a little edit beforehand. Woohoo! 
          No new story chapter today (I don't think there will be one before Monday, in all honesty) but I have added a chapter called "The Secrets of The Moon Card Deck". Once the story is complete it will form part of the appendices. 
          What's it about? In chapter 7, Vanteray the fortune teller gave Hereward Slaine a card reading. This is a bit of information about her deck of cards, which I'm designing as I write the story. Yes, you can find the first card she shows him there...
          Thanks for reading. 
          Brightest Blessings,
          Sammi X