
I wanted to address something... Well, a couple of things.
          	First of all, I write these stories in my free time. I am a full-time college student, and I work four days a week. I am lucky to get the posts out when I can. So, I'm really sorry if some of the uploads take a while or are not on schedule. And I'm sorry when the updates are short. I just wanna keep getting the chapters out.
          	And the second thing I wanna address is about my OCs. When I started the Dream Series back in 2017, I changed Dream's name and character inspiration many times. I am finally happy with it. But that's not want I want to discuss. I've seen several comments on my "Midnight Rain" story, especially. I tend to write what I know, much like many authors and writers do. I am a blonde, white girl who lives in a pretty traditional household. And I write my characters to have traits like me. Like Callie (from "Everything Has Changed") and Evelina (from "Midnight Rain"), both show a lot of anxiety. Because that's something I struggle with. Blair (from "The Assassin Who Stole My Heart") loves to paint, like I do. I write them based on what I know.
          	I'm sorry if you see the character pages of my books and you don't like the character inspiration or you don't relate to them. But I encourage you to change the details if you would like. Like if I mention that they have fair skin, you can imagine it however you want. I picked the OCs to help me envision the character and to help me make the cover photos that I love to make.
          	I just wanted to say this, because it has been bothering me. I love to write and to see so many people reading and liking my stories have made me so happy. But when I see negative comments or comments like the ones I referred to, it makes it hard to continue when I'm doing something that I'm trying my best at.
          	I want to thank everyone who has been here since the beginning of the Dream series... And thank you to the new ones who have just come upon my books. You guys mean a lot. <3


Good afternoon, @sarahbethbooks. I know you are a full-time college student and work, so do I, but I was hoping you could check out my book and give me some advice whenever you have the time. I really enjoy reading Midnight Sun, and I always look forward to your updates. I'm not rushing you. I know you have many responsibilities, but whenever you do find the time, please check out my work <3


I wanted to address something... Well, a couple of things.
          First of all, I write these stories in my free time. I am a full-time college student, and I work four days a week. I am lucky to get the posts out when I can. So, I'm really sorry if some of the uploads take a while or are not on schedule. And I'm sorry when the updates are short. I just wanna keep getting the chapters out.
          And the second thing I wanna address is about my OCs. When I started the Dream Series back in 2017, I changed Dream's name and character inspiration many times. I am finally happy with it. But that's not want I want to discuss. I've seen several comments on my "Midnight Rain" story, especially. I tend to write what I know, much like many authors and writers do. I am a blonde, white girl who lives in a pretty traditional household. And I write my characters to have traits like me. Like Callie (from "Everything Has Changed") and Evelina (from "Midnight Rain"), both show a lot of anxiety. Because that's something I struggle with. Blair (from "The Assassin Who Stole My Heart") loves to paint, like I do. I write them based on what I know.
          I'm sorry if you see the character pages of my books and you don't like the character inspiration or you don't relate to them. But I encourage you to change the details if you would like. Like if I mention that they have fair skin, you can imagine it however you want. I picked the OCs to help me envision the character and to help me make the cover photos that I love to make.
          I just wanted to say this, because it has been bothering me. I love to write and to see so many people reading and liking my stories have made me so happy. But when I see negative comments or comments like the ones I referred to, it makes it hard to continue when I'm doing something that I'm trying my best at.
          I want to thank everyone who has been here since the beginning of the Dream series... And thank you to the new ones who have just come upon my books. You guys mean a lot. <3


hello  how are you doing i can see your book where great but it not getting readers and followers


@michelleburning it's means you don't have more readers and followers 


@michelleburning hello! I'm doing great... I'm sorry, but I don't understand the last part... Could you clarify?


What happened to the once upon a time book?


@emrose0129 Hey there! Where I'm going to school and working part-time I have been trying to work on my books during my free time. And I don't want to keep something up that I'm not happy with. I love the story, but I felt like I was losing the plot a bit and rushing things. Hopefully, I can redo it and make it to where I love it. But thank you for your support. I love you guys and thank you for loving my books. It means a lot. <3


@emrose0129  Are you talking about Wonderland? Cause I was wondering the same thing


Please update the six man story plz plz plzzzzzzz


@AreebAbid Sorry, just seeing this... But I am trying to get updates out. It's just hard trying to keep up with all of my stories and working. But I am trying to update it. Thank you for your support, it means a lot.