
just turned sixteen last friday!!! life's pretty cool (aside from the start of classes on the 15th lol haha). expect a domesticated update this week :D *ignores sighs of relief* 
          	stay rad,


schoOl stArts tomOrrow whYyy


@mightygladers I feel like I just had to tell someone, I was going to go for the Wings concert in Sydney, and guess what, right when I was about to book the tickets, they were all sold out!! I don't even live in Australia but I was so excited for this!!


Aww hopefully we both will have better luck next time, if there ever will be a next time. I really doubt they'll ever tour in my country (India) 


@misswhateverr i definitely feel u!!!! they're actually here in my country (ph) right now 4 a 2-day concert guess who's not going yep it's me :((


 #Brexit SMH. SMH. the damage this is going to bring to the world. and not just in terms of economics. i mean what about the lives of others whose careers relied on the uk?? imo, this is basically uk putting xenophobia and racism (dont u dare tell me this isn't about immigrants) ahead of its own interests. 
          i dont even wanna know what in heavens is happening to the people here on earth i just. i have no words. im speechless, once again and it's barely three weeks since jo cox??? and the whole ordeal about orlando?? oh gosh my faith in humanity just.. plummets every time. 


 #GunControlNow #SolidarityWithOrlando
           this devastating news shows why your homophobia isn't just "disagreeing" with a lifestyle, it's condemning innocent people (who are only being truthful to themselves and others. who just wants to love whomever their heart beats for. who have their own dreams and aspirations) to VIOLENCE AND DEATH. violence, my friends, is never the answer regardless of our race, gender and religion.
          i am stunned i am speechless i am astounded i am DISGUSTED we humans have really sunk so low i just


the media is focusing more on the fact that the shooter is muslim and non-white instead of his blatant, violent homophobia. YES LET'S BLAME A RELIGION THAT HAS ALWAYS BEEN BRANDED WITH "TERRORISM" AND IGNORE THE VIOLENT HOMOPHOBIA THAT EXISTS. 
            the issue here isn't about the shooter's race, religion or whatever tragic background story he has. the issue here is about those 50 lives that has been ripped from this world because his homophobia was so violent, he felt the need to just KILL. the issue here is that it could've been done by anyone, whether he's a white christian or a black american, because of AMERICA'S LENIENCY WITH GUN LAWS. if people were passionate about being against guns as they are about being against the lgbt+ community and blaming muslims and hating on poc, maybe, just maybe america (and the whole world, probably) won't be half as shitty as it is now. goddamn it.