
ICYMI The Lost Queen is once again complete and ready for binge-reading. Also, the first chapter of the next book has been posted too. Check it out here:


Hi! It's been a while since I've done an announcement, but I'm still here quietly posting new chapters to The Lost Queen every week. Speaking of which, we are closing in on the end now. I expect the last chapter to go up at the end of May, and then we will immediately jump into the next book, May Shadows Reign (possibly even the same day the last chapter of The Lost Queen goes up. We'll see). 
          As a reminder, if you want to find me outside of Wattpad (or just prefer reading elsewhere) there are a bunch of other places to find me. 
          For social media:
          Discord community:
          Other Places to read my work:
          Ream Stories, Royal Road, Inkitt, Tapas, and Radish
          P.S. If any of those direct links didn't show up, you can always find everything on my website (I also have fun things like book playlists, maps, etc. over there):


@Secret_Superstarrr7 Thank you! <3 And don't worry, unless something major were to happen, I don't have any plans to stop.


@stephsaige Love ur books. Keep updating please ❤️❤️❤️


Happy New Year! 
          I have a few updates for you:
          For Lost Queen Readers: Starting next week the book will be moving to a once a week update schedule. New chapters will now be posted every Friday (at the usual time). As of right now, we have 21 chapters left to go before it will be time for book 2.
          For Wyrmrot Readers: I'm collecting feedback for my next round of edits. If you would like to help me out and influence the next version of the book, you can find information on the survey here:
          As a reminder, you can read Wyrmrot for free over on my Ream Stories page, so if you haven't had a chance to read it while it was on Wattpad (or want to read it again), you still have time to do so before I publish it.


Chapter Fifteen of the new version of The Lost Queen is now posted! Have you been keeping up? Chapter Sixteen is up next on Friday :D

          P.S. Anyone doing NaNoWriMo this year? Come join me for writing sprints on my discord server (or just come hang out and chat all things books and writing). Link for the invite is in my bio or you can DM me.


What time will the worm rot duo be leaving today. Just started back on Wattpad, and didn't notice. I'm trying to read my 23 parts that are left. .......


@Lulu14t Yes! Both books are free to read on my Ream Stories page. If you check the 'Where is Wyrmrot?' or 'Where is Symbiosis?' chapters I just added to each book, you'll find all the info on how to get there. 


@stephsaige @stephsaige Did you decide what that temporary home will be?


@Amelyah87 I'll leave until near end of day for me, so you'll have at least 8 hours still. I'll also be moving it to a temporary home on another platform, so even if you run out of time today, you will still be able to access it if you want. 


A few reminders for readers:
          **For Lost Queen Readers**
          On Tuesday, Sept. 5th, I will begin replacing the old version of the series with a newly edited version. If you would like to read/finish reading the old version of the series, please do so before then. 
          **For Wyrmrot and Symbiosis Readers**
          These two books will be leaving Wattpad on Sept. 29th and continuing on with their publication journey. I'm considering giving them a temporary home elsewhere while I work on preparing them for publication. Is this something you would be interested in? Let me know. 
          That's all for today. Have a great weekend! :D


@aNaRcHy_in_a_hooman Thank you! I'm very excited, but also a little scared of how much I have to learn about publishing.


@stephsaige imma have to get copies of wyrmrot and symbiosis! Cant wait!


@SuVida777 Thank you! It will definitely be an adventure. I'm very excited for it :D