
Best Laid Plans (A Gentleman of Misfortune #2) is going to be published in June! If you would like to get an advance copy in exchange for a review, go here:


Best Laid Plans (A Gentleman of Misfortune #2) is going to be published in June! If you would like to get an advance copy in exchange for a review, go here:


Ahhhh  I am extremely excited that you posted the first chapter of your new book, and it is Lucas's story! Thank you so much! It made my week to see this because now I will have something extra to look forward to each and every week. Whoo hoo 


@StephanieMurray710 I loved the first chapter and I look forward to reading more. 


@StephanieMurray710 You're welcome! I was super busy during March (work certification) so the first Friday in April snuck up on me! I'm tormenting poor Lucas again, so that's going to be fun.


We've reached the time to begin last summer's mystery project! As a reminder: I was assigned a random book cover with a pen name and had two months to write something for it. The cover I was assigned was one so far out of my comfort zone, but I did it! In a nutshell, it is a locked room murder mystery on an alien planet. 
          I hope you enjoy!


Well, we've finally reached the end of Percival's story today! Make sure not to miss the epilogue, which will be posted two hours after the final chapter. I've included a note to share a little bit of the inspiration behind one of the characters.
          Happy reading!


@thequietwriter,  thank you for sharing your inspiration for Percival’s story. I truly enjoyed reading it and looking forward to reading your next book. Blessings, S


Hi, I have just started reading your books. They are so much interesting and exciting. I have started with debutant series. Loved it. Can you guide me where I can read the fourth one after the clandestine estate book. I think chasing the future is the last book as mentioned in book 2 ending…


Thank you so much for letting me know.. Eagerly waiting for the book.


@Swetharajulapati I'm so glad to hear you are enjoying my books! At this time, I haven't started book four yet! It will be called, Behind the Stage. I'm hoping to get started on it soon!


So. Question time! Earlier this year, I did a challenge. The challenge? I was assigned a random book cover with a pen name and had two months to write something for it. The cover I was assigned was one so far out of my comfort zone, but I did it! So now that the challenge is over (I didn't win anything), the cover and story are mine. My question to you is, would you be interested in reading a science fiction story after the new year? It's kind of a locked room mystery on an alien planet.


@StephanieMurray710 Seems like everyone wants to see it!


@thequietwriter absolutely! I would love to read it! 