
Wattpad has gone on a sudden crusade (similar to what deviantart did a few months ago) removing a large amount of diaper stories. Including some that were a large inspiration for me


Wattpad is removing DMs. That's a thing now.


It used to have three but one got removed (Unfortunate since it was a big inspiration for me. I actually have a download of it (despite the best that wattpad can do, it is still possible to copy the text off a story) However there still is two not one. And i don't actually know what you mean by your second point, so clarifying that would be nice.


@ultramegacool your good stories section only has one story in it.may I suggest you change the # to 1


I hope to update soon, yes


Just a reminder to y'all. If there is a story you like. Copy it and make your own version. Or else it may just disappear and you may never be able to read it again.


@Diantermenjs I took a small break but i'm working on it now


@ultramegacool I will take it into account, by the way you will update your story soon I want to see what happens in the park.


I've read through the Wattpad policy (the parts that relate to content) and i don't think that based on those rules my story (the sleepover one) should have been removed.


@ultramegacool   They remove stories all the time that do not violate it.  If it is something a person complains about they often just delete it and claim a very vague policy violation issue, and thus censoring free speech, thought, and expression.
            AO3  (ArchiveOfOurOwn) allows all kinds of stories.  They use TAGS so people can find your story.  If you open an account there, it takes about a week to get the invite (Prevents spammers), I suggest posting it here so others can access it easily there too, and bookmark it.  
            Its easy to post stores, as you can copy and paste as a text format, like writing it in word or etc..


@ultramegacool  we are updated are rules and policy at the moment