
Not Chris Bright deleting comments  cmon baby you’re gonna steal my story and not even fight for it?? where’s the energy???


@vviticus account please, someone needs to teach him


Where is book 4 of the Gift Chronicles?


@killian_riot7 I read book 3 before 2 but both of them overlap so much that it's impossible to not get the spoilers somehow. U can choose to do as u wish to but I'll say keep a stack of tissues beside when reading onyx. It's depressing as hell and is perfect for a good cry (if you're immersed in the story)
            But eventually, it's inevitable to not find spoilers when reading either. So it's either read both of them together and STILL get the spoilers, or read one before another and still get the spoilers. It's upto u now ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


it’s published. in the description it’s about katrina. 
            also quick question did you read book 2 before book 3? can book 3 be read before 2? do some chapters over lap so they are the same chapters but different pov’s and books? can they be read as a tandem read? 


this message may be offensive
Has anyone read this book or know where to find it?
          I read it 3 times before and now I can't find it!
          It’s about a girl that has magic powers but the powers were tied to her werewolf by a demon. Her brother asked the demon to do it so their mother wouldn’t be able to find her. So she won’t get her powers until she gets her wolf at 18. Her brother portals her to a random location and she is taken in by the nearby pack and raised as their own. She doesn't know where her brother is.
          She finds her mate, who turns out to be the alpha king. His parents were murdered when he was younger, I think his younger brother was murdered as well. 
          They find each other and she is shy and shit like that. 
          BUT! Then her mom reappears from nowhere and starts a little war with the royal pack because she wants to rule over all the werewolves and lycans. She drops the bomb that she (not the mom but the female lead) was the one who killed his parents. He gets mad and feels betrayed, she is put in the dungeons, they take her somewhere and use some magic shit so they can see her memories to see if her mom told the truth. Turns out she actually ran ahead to warn the king and queen. She tried to protect his parents. They make up. They defeat her mother and live happily ever after.


Dear Vviticus, hope you are doing well. I really wanted to read all your books—specially the alternate one of Thane and Ares—as I'm a big fan of you. But I couldn’t. Patreon doesn’t work in Bangladesh. I'm really so depressed about it.
          You are a fantastic writer. Keep writing and flourishing ❤️


@suzanaa717 what's the name of the book about thane and ares? 