


Let me get straight to the point.
          I have seen everything that you've done here on Wattpad as regards your brand as a writer.
          You have written books in the  fiction genres, and your content is unique, which means you are taking a good step towards creating top-notch content and targeting your audience. 
          However, can I ask you, "What is your main goal and vision as you write?"


i’m actually sitting on two new chapters but i’ve been too lazy to upload them bcuz i have to use my laptop to fix the formatting and it’s currently tucked away under my bed so safe to say the next update will ideally be this week 


does anyone else have a soft spot for this one ugly hot guy in your life that all your friends hate but you would 100% answer a 3am bootycall from because he’s got big muscles and a good sense of humour?? or is this just something i need to work out 


i think i learned what it means to be a fanfiction writer ?? just random injuries or family deaths to explain my absences??
          like since my last update i fell down the stairs, nearly got concussed, my mom broke her foot, and my cousin died 
          what is going on 


to that one person that asked why june didn’t just screenshot the messages from jack when she was getting cancelled for cheating,,, it’s because that thought literally did not occur to me at the time but i was questioning why i didn’t have her do that while i was rereading it 
          anyway next chapter will be out before the end of the week hopefully  i have 3 tests and 2 essays due this week tho so don’t get too hopeful


@hiddenwritingcorner yeah no to be fair i think that was what i had in mind when writing; that june would be waaay too scared to speak out.
            unfortunately we live in a world where horrible things happen to women all the time and they’re too scared to speak up about it because women aren’t always believed! i think that’s what i had intended but i forgot about it lol


@ why_mai  I guess June would be incredibly scared ad well– like, bruh- Jack is toxic af and capable of nearly everything. I would be scared to death if I was her.