
Has it been really been 2 months?!
          	I've not opened any of my WIPs or even Wattpad in that time because I've been swamped! Imagine my surprise to come back and gind With Eyes to See on over 1 MILLION reads!! 
          	My busy schedule hasn't changed (I have 3 assignments pending, plus prep for work as I type) but I miss writing!
          	Im hoping to make time to get back to my hobbies. It's been so long I've forgotten what i was working on! Bear will be easy to get back into, but With Tongues of Fire I feel like I want to start fresh...
          	Don't be surprised if chapters disappear, I'm rekindling my passion and also trying to get the story closer to the vision that I'd initially hoped for!
          	It's good to be back, hopefully you'll see more of me again because I've definitely missed you all! :) 


@xxbrokenrecordsxx I completely understand. Thanks for getting back to me and letting me know. Don't overdo it. P.S. I love your books!!!!


@CassieKnightingale Bonds of Fate Series is still ongoing! Im currently working a full-time job, studying part time and also working on 3 other projects besides this series so can't really give an ETA for the next book at the moment unfortunately... It is something I'm keen to work on, but I can't make any promises. 


@xxbrokenrecordsxx Is the Bonds of Fate series completed? If not, any idea when the last 2 books will be available?


Has it been really been 2 months?!
          I've not opened any of my WIPs or even Wattpad in that time because I've been swamped! Imagine my surprise to come back and gind With Eyes to See on over 1 MILLION reads!! 
          My busy schedule hasn't changed (I have 3 assignments pending, plus prep for work as I type) but I miss writing!
          Im hoping to make time to get back to my hobbies. It's been so long I've forgotten what i was working on! Bear will be easy to get back into, but With Tongues of Fire I feel like I want to start fresh...
          Don't be surprised if chapters disappear, I'm rekindling my passion and also trying to get the story closer to the vision that I'd initially hoped for!
          It's good to be back, hopefully you'll see more of me again because I've definitely missed you all! :) 


@xxbrokenrecordsxx I completely understand. Thanks for getting back to me and letting me know. Don't overdo it. P.S. I love your books!!!!


@CassieKnightingale Bonds of Fate Series is still ongoing! Im currently working a full-time job, studying part time and also working on 3 other projects besides this series so can't really give an ETA for the next book at the moment unfortunately... It is something I'm keen to work on, but I can't make any promises. 


@xxbrokenrecordsxx Is the Bonds of Fate series completed? If not, any idea when the last 2 books will be available?


Hi guys, 
          You may have noticed that I've taken down my social media accounts, it's nothing ominous just that I was so inactive I figured it didn't even make sense for it to exist. I was feeling really overwhelmed that I wasn't posting so decided to eliminate the stress by getting rid of the accounts altogether. 
          I know I haven't posted in a while either, but I'm in the middle of changing jobs, and I'll also be going back t school so I've been incredibly busy, I've not had any time to write at all.


@xxbrokenrecordsxx Take your time and breathe when you need to! Us fans will stick around! ;) 
            Thanks for posting a new chapter! I loveeee this story and can't wait to see where it goes!


Happy New Year Everyone!! (I know I'm late, but thats looking like a theme for me this year already... )
          Hope this year is filled with lots of joy, success and books for you all!!
          Thank you for all the support in 2023, let's keep going together in 2024! ❤️


this message may be offensive
Hi guys, 
          So i posted an Authors Note on Bear, but I know that not everyone reads that  particular story. It is important, so I feel it's necessary to post it here too:
          I know it's been a hot minute since I updated last, or been active on here, and the truth is I've had a lot going on... still do. Earlier this week I lost a family member, so it's been a really difficult time for me and my entire family, and I've been really overwhelmed with it all. 
          I think I need a step back to be able to process everything, which is why I've decided it's best for me to take a Hiatus until I'm ready to come back. I don't know how long it will be, but I do know it won't be forever. Writing is too important for me to never come back to. 
          I know it probably sucks for you guys who want to be able to finish the stories I have ongoing at the moment, and I have a bad habit of apologising for everything... but I'm not going to apologise for doing what's best for me. 
          Thank you all so much for the support so far, I'm so very grateful. I hope that you all continue to stick with me, even when things go to shit.
          Love you all, 
          Bernie :)


@BernieRJones I'm so sorry for your loss. Hope to see you back here soon. ❤️


I did post on Instagram to let you guys know, and completely forgot to also posy on here!!
          I've not been well the last couple of weeks, I've had mixture of flu and a migraine so I've not been able to do anything at all. Ive had to stay away from ALL konds of screens because it just makes things 10x worse... Which is why I havent been able to write or update today.
          I am slowly on the mend, so hoping to get back to it soon but waiting until im feelong 100 before i get too carried away...
          Sorry to those of you thay were waiting for an update today, hopefully ill be back with a new chapter by next week!
          P. S. Thank God for autocorrect becuase i dont think i spelled one word correctly while typing any of this. 


@BernieRJones I hope you feel better soon!


@BernieRJones no worries, hope you feel better soon, good luck with everything


Stumbled across a massive plot problem with Bear. I've just realised that the direction I originally planned to go in, is not really going to work... This is the problem of being a Pantser!
          I'm going to have to figure it out before I keep writing, because I've kind of hit a wall. I will keep updating until I run out of chapters (I think I've written 6 chapters ahead) so that gives me roughly six weeks to try and solve the problem without impacting my regular updates... hopefully I figure it out before I lose my buffer!  
          I was starting to think that it was too good for this to be true, it was just going way too smoothly lol.


@BernieRJones Good luck, I haven't started reading this book yet, but I will start it soon, always excited to read your books


Hi guys, 
          It's with a mix of sadness, and relief, that I announce that With Tongues of Fire will be the final book in the Bonds of Fate Series. 
          Originally the plan was for the series to have 6 books, and the final book would be about Freddie and Renee. However I've gotten to a point where I feel like I no longer have a story to tell within this genre and even working on WTOF feels like I'm forcing a story which doesn't really need to be told as much as I WANT to tell it. 
          I would like to finish writing With Tongues, because I can't start something without finishing it... but I am very much looking forward to moving past werewolves as a genre and seeing where I end up. I think I have fantasy burnout, and I really need a break from (writing) the genre. 
          I thank you all for sticking with me this long, and I'm sorry for those of you that were looking forward to Renee's and Freddie's story... My mission when I write is always for representation, but I don't want that to be the only reason y'know? And I feel with the last couple books in the series, I've been trying to fit stories into the genre that might really work better on their own. 
          I will never stop writing for the curly haired, brown and black girls.. but I think we deserve more that Alpha werewolves right? I'm ready for CEO's, and bikers, and Greek gods and everything else. I want to give you guys that, so I hope you don't see this as me giving up, but rather moving on :) 
          P.S. Note to self, don't commit to a full ass series without extensively planning it first. Take things as they go and enjoy the journey. 
          Love you all, I hope you continue to stick with me on my writing journey!
          Bernie :)


@BernieRJones I love your writing and am so excited to see how the rest of your journey goes! Thank you for the beautiful words and representation you have put out in the world. Whatever is next for you will be beautiful!!!


          I don't often check the number of reads and votes on my stories anymore, because that's not the reason I want to write... but can I just say a HUGE THANK YOU!! 
          I started Bear on a whim, as a distraction from my other projects because I was starting to feel as though I was no longer enjoying writing. It was never really supposed to really become a project that I spent so much time on, but it has truly brought back that excitement I have for writing. I hope you are just as excited as I am to see where this wild adventure ends up!
          And to have you all, show it so much love and support, I cannot thank you enough. I am beyond grateful... Thank you, thank you, thank you so much!