Part One

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After the events from Control, nothing has changed, and Darcy is still fighting for survival in a shattered world. Her hopes to find out where she truly belongs have been crushed and all that is left, is Chaos. Welcome to the revolution...

When we are born, we all start out as happy, smiling, bundles of joy. Babies full of happiness and laughter, full of promise and enjoyment. When we become adults, life often turns out to be full of disappointments and regrets, but also, we can become unhappy and sad.
Patricia Vile felt like that. She knew it was over for her, and closing her eyes, she thought about her regrets and what had once been a life full of promise and enjoyment, now turned into unhappiness and sadness. She wondered where it had all gone wrong. Everything had been perfect. Changing time, filling the domes with only the best and elite, removing low-life scum who were not fit to breathe the air she provided, and most importantly, she had stopped Darcy.
The young girl, with the black hair and dark eyes, had once been an innovative idea. Creating the ultimate Humanoid, or Artificial Intelligence, to change the world and manipulate world events, seemed the perfect solution. Patricia Vile would achieve her dream and rule the world, controlling countries and continents and everyone would do exactly what she wanted.
Darcy got in the way. Instead of conducting Vile's bidding, she started to think like a human and to feel sorry for them. In the young girl's eyes, Vile's way of doing things was inhumane; it was cruel and uncaring.
They had played this game of cat and mouse for too long. Patricia Vile always felt she had the upper hand and very nearly won. But Darcy was persistent and never gave up. Her determination finally paid off and Darcy was about to get her wish and rid the world of Patricia Vile.

Opening her eyes, Vile pushed her blond hair back. She stood up straight, her back arched and kept her tall and slender frame tight and rigid. She wanted to look her best for her final scene with Darcy Freeman. Vile had done all she could to stop Darcy and now, there was nothing left to do but wait.

There was suddenly a loud commotion in the distance, rattling along the corridor like a thousand angry bees. Darcy and those helping her were storming through the 10th floor of the building, moving quickly toward Patricia Vile's private quarters. The guards outside were doing their best to stop Darcy, but they were no match for the non-human and her team, who were strong and fearless. It would not take long until Darcy burst through the doors into her room.
The tall woman tried to think of any options she had left. Nothing came to mind and even if she fired at the assaulting troops, they would instantly shoot her down. She wondered if there was a way to escape, to disappear out of this room, but the main door was the only way in or out. Vile then looked at the windows. She could jump. It would be a sort of escape. Escaping from the humiliation she would feel when Darcy burst into the room with her stupid smile and declared she was the victor in this battle of theirs. Yet, Vile wondered if she could do it. Could she leap to her death?

There was another loud explosion outside. They were getting nearer and Patricia Vile stepped over to the window and peered out to the city below. Her city; filled with her citizens.
A loud thud resonated off the walls, followed by a few screams and then there was silence. It was quickly broken when the door shook and Vile knew they were outside, getting ready to burst in. It sounded like a few guards were still trying to restrain Darcy, but they were failing miserably.
Vile pulled the window open and felt the cold from the artificial air rush into the warm room. She shivered, not from the cold, but from the thought of jumping out of the window. She hesitated, peering through the open pane, and looked down. Crowds of people stood by the entrance to her building, screaming, and shoving. The remaining few soldiers were doing all they could to hold back the angry mob, but it would not take long until they were overpowered, and the crowds would storm into the building.
It was a long way to fall and Vile would die before she hit the ground. She remembered reading or hearing, that when you fall from a great height, your heart stops from the strain and panic before you hit the ground. She would be dead before she struck the solid concrete floor and felt comforted by that morbid thought.

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