Chapter 21- The Sarlacc Pit

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The day couldn't get any worse, I mean, I thought it would after Luke and Han came in the middle of me almost revealing my identity to Jabba the slug-a-hutt, but it definitely got worse when Han and Jabba brought the payment conversation, I don't even know why he owes Jabba a lot of bounty, that part never interested me. But let me say that, that costs Luke and Han to be cuffed and sent to a smaller ship, while Leia got stuck as Jabba's slave and I got sent on a small cell on the cargo hold for what I did earlier. As long as I was far away from that slug, I didn't care where the sent me to. While I was down there, it gave me some time to think about that dream or vision I had of my "father" at least, that's what the guy claimed to be.

I began to think about his mask and dark clothing, and analyze "that helmet, it has unique features I've never seen before, not even back at the base or where I get my armor"placing my index and thumb under my chin, I continued "that saber I was holding...I couldn't see what color of the kyber crystal it was nor the details, I only knew that I had a saber" I began to pace around the cell, the chains of my neck cuff following my direction as it was dragged on the floor. Soon stop my steps in front of a small barred window and saw the small ship they were taking Han and Luke in, Luke seemed like he had a plan, he seemed chilled on our way to the pit. "Wonder what he has in mind" I said out loud, thinking no one was there with me to hear me. I was wrong.

"You always talk to yourself?" A robotic male voice spoke behind me, I jump surprised and saw the bounty hunter. "Ugh, what do you want now?" I roll my eyes at the sight. The bounty hunter approaches slowly, holding his rifle and...a bag? He puts the bag down, near the bars of my cell and looks at me. I look down at the bag and turn around, not interested in what was in that bag. "If its another dress, you can take it and burn it, I don't want to change into another ridiculous outfit, I mean I do, but In my armor" I cross my arms as my eyes stare at Luke and Han, as the sound of a key slide against the ships metal floor and hit my feet. "Huh?" I raise a brow, picking up the key and looked at it. "Think it might be a relief for you if you take that neck cuff off" the calm serious bounty hunter commented.

With ought thinking twice, I insert the key inside the lock and twist it till I hear the lock open. A sigh of relief escaped my lips as a smile was placed on my face, feeling my neck free of that heavy and cold cuff. I could feel him staring at me as I rub my neck, dropping the chain to the floor, I extend my hand towards him and used the force on him, barely choking him, but the sudden action made him drop his rifle and cough a bit. Using the force to bring him closer to the cell bars as I approached him cautiously, I spoke "what's with the act of "kindness", huh? Bounty hunter" I snarled lowly, scrunching my nose as I kept him face to face with me. His hands moved around his neck as if they were trying to remove a hand off his neck so he could breath.

"B-because..." He seemed to move his hand to his belt pouch and search for something but the fact that he was also focusing on looking for air made him stop "in the...second pouch" he coughs, his voice becoming almost like a whine "search the second pouch" he finishes the sentence quickly. I squint my eyes at him, thinking it was a trap for him to maybe grab be and make me let go, but the way he sounded was sort of convincing, so I did what he told me. I slowly and carefully search the second pouch of his belt and rummage it till I felt something smooth and a small chain. My head tilts to the side as I kept my eyes on the bounty hunter, as I take the object out of the pouch and pull my hand towards me. I look down at the object and realized it was my necklace "what?" I quickly let go of the bounty hunter and used both hands to look at the necklace.

The male coughed as he leaned against the bars of the cell, still close to me, noticing the necklace was missing a horn of the mythosaur. The bounty hunter looked at the necklace, took a deep breath and spoke "I accidentally stepped on it back at the ship" he exhaled as he rubbed his neck, I sighed deeply, not wanting to argue with the guy anymore, so I just turned around with the necklace over my chest and stoped in front of the window. "This necklace...I don't know who gave this to me, all I know is that I never took it off" I commented, that caught his attention "you...don't know who gave it to you?" He made a small pause. I shook my head to a no. "There are many things in my life that I just...don't understand" I opened my hand with the necklace and sat down on the floor.

"My red eye, Leia and Luke's weird over protective behavior, where do I come from? And who is my-" I glance over at the hunter and shook my head stopping myself from giving him more information "hold on, why am I telling you this? You're just a bounty hunter who killed my master" The male stares at me as I stood up and walk over to him "and when I get out of here, you and I have unfinished busyness" my brows frown at how serious I was, the hunter seemed to be zoned out, but how would I know with that helmet over his head, but once he snapped out of his thoughts, he moved his hand about to touch mine but a sudden voice stops him from doing so. "Welcome to the sarlacc pit"

End of chapter 21

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