Holiday special!

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"Ho Ho Ho!" Yoongi walked into the room with a fake beard, red suit, and red velvet sack full of the gifts we had brought. I covered my face and stifled my laughter as he held his stomach and walked into the room.

"Merry Christmas!" he shouted, lowering his tone of voice for the act.

I ran to Lia and gave her a big hug. She had debuted already and was doing great. She had decided to go solo and her songs were blowing up on the charts. 

"He looks ridiculous," she said, smiling as he bugged the boys.

"But he's mine." I smiled fondly at his act, he was such a sweetheart and had worked hard on his costume. And by worked hard I mean watched patiently as I sewed and offered words of encouragement. He also baked many goods and made sure I didn't hurt myself.

"Presents!" Jungkook lifted a box, wrapped carefully by yoongi.

we all gathered by the tree on the floor and exchanged gifts. in the end, we had wrapping paper surrounding us and new shiny gifts by our sides. The gifts had been forgotten as Namjoon and Jin told funny stories of past celebrations.

"Oh, and then Jimin and Taehyung dropped the cake and the way Jin hollered," Namjoon clutched his side as he doubled over in laughter, "and poor Jungkook, he was so upset until Jin revealed he had actually made two cakes for extra."

"and I saved the day! once again!" Jin puffed his chest like a superhero.

Jimin and Tae rolled their eyes, both unimpressed by the retelling of their mistake.

Hoseok smiled and started the next conversation. "So, I heard you guys got caught." He said, smirking at Yoongi, who now looked redder than his suit.

I laughed and immediately began telling the story.

Yoongi had insisted that we go watch the stars, I thought he meant on the roof of the apartment but he had other plans. He drove out to a lake and parked behind bushes. I warned him it was dangerous and stupid, he said I was scared. He stuck his tongue out at me and left the car. I, who am not one to be mocked, got out of the car and proved that I was not scared, even though I was, and went with his plans. It lasted for a good while, I'll give him that, but it all went wrong when decided to post about the lake. I again warned him but he said that it was fine and only posted a picture with the caption "Lakes are for bros" and "hashtag: bros night out" as if that didn't sound strange and like a cover-up. 

 I again warned him that someone would catch on but I was ignored. Again. It took about fifteen minutes before someone with a giant camera took photos, flash on, and we had to run. I made sure to cover my face and hair but doubted it would do much. We left and I didn't do a whole "I told you so" speech because Yoongi looked upset. I knew how much this night had meant to him and decided to stay quiet and assure him it was going to be alright.

"now one really knows who was with Yoongi so we could be fine." I ended the story with that and was met with laughter.

"Yeah, but we definitely know whos gonna be on Dispatches couple reveals," Hoseok said, smirking the whole time.

 I rolled my eyes, "Dispatch is a tattletale." I stuck my tongue out as if they could see me, and Lia cracked up.

"Whatever." I leaned back on Yoongi and felt his chin on my head. I reached for his hand and kissed it. "At least the view was great." He smiled and nodded. "Yeah, but I have the most beautiful star right in front of me."

The boys and Lia made loud groaning noises and Yoongi glared at them, I just laughed. 

"This has been the best Christmas, ever," I said smiling at all my wonderful friends.

"And it just got better." I turned around to see Wonho and Hongjoong walk in with wide arms.

"Don't worry! The best gift you'll ever receive has arrived." Wonho smirked and bowed, showing off as "the best gift we'll ever receive". I laughed and they joined us on the floor.

we went back to storytelling as the night went on. Finally, it was time to go home. I walked out holding Yoongi's hand as his other held the sack filled with our gifts to take home. 

He kissed the top of my head, "Did you have fun?" 

I smiled and nodded, "Yeah. I had fun."


we left and I couldn't wait for the next Christmas, and the one after that, and all the other ones I would spend with him and our amazing friends. I couldn't believe how much happiness they all had brought me, but I knew I would never forget it.

"Merry Christmas"


Hello and Happy Holidays!

This was so much fun to write!  I am currently listening to the rain pour and ahh I missed writing. I am currently working on another story but I sadly have a habit of deleting them. I'm so glad I left this one and will stop this habit, I worry that my writing is not that great but as I was writing this and planning it I realized that I need to write more to get better. 

anyway, I currently have a story called Chromatic Love, I need to edit it and I fully plan on it, sadly school has taken control and now that I have a break I plan on editing it and continuing it. I also have another story that I am planning, hopefully, that one will make it past the planning stage! 

I also plan on creating mini-update stories for this one. Again this may take time but I shall hold myself accountable! Anyway, have a great day/night/week, and stay safe!! 

I am also planning on re-uploading my past stories I have taken down and let them stay up! I am not so proud of their writing and hope to edit them but for now, they will be available as is. I would also like to say thank you for 1.74k reads, I truly appreciate it! 


(If you would like, you can follow me on Twitter: Y00ngleB00ngl3 )

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