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Hunter Raven Knight's P.O.V. (she's a girl)

In this hot day of summer, my friend Olivia dragged me out to eat ice cream with one of her friends. I was known to be very quiet and reserved and that it why I didn't have many friends, but I was entirely fine with it. I was very lucky to be able to meet Olivia who was a very extrovert girl, so of course, it wasn't a problem for her to meet new people. 

She nagged me the whole day to accompany her to an ice dessert shop to meet up with a girl who will stay in this city only for a few weeks. I refused at first, because:

1) I was too lazy to even get up from bed and........

 2) Why does that concern me? 

But as she kept nagging me, I couldn't help but to answer 'yes' just to stop this torture. Indeed, that was one of her charms-----you couldn't say no to her. I put on my sunglasses, so the sunlight won't harm my eyes.  

"Tell me, why did I come here again?" I grumbled and in result, I got a pinch in the arm from Olivia.

"Stop being so grumbly, Raven! Look! The sky's blue, the sun is at its highest peak, and the weather is awesome! Why not go out, hm?" she said, as she extended her arms in the air. I sighed; she was so optimist. But I liked it, and sometimes I really needed it. Also, she always calls me by my second name---Raven---- instead of Hunter. 

 Hunter was a name given by my father as he was expecting a boy. Nonetheless, he still "loved" me even though he refused to change my first name into a more feminine name. In the end, my mother added "Raven" as my middle name as she wanted it to be unique yet elegant. 

 We quickly arrived at the shop Olivia chose to meet up with her friend. There was a bunch of people sitting around the tables and on the terrace, all whether appreciating the nice weather or talking with their friends . Suddenly, she pulled me towards the back of the terrace, where a breathtaking lady and a handsome boy were sitting.

"Lia!!!!!!!" Olivia exclaimed, letting go of my arm and rushing towards the named girl Lia ."Ah, Julia Callista, this is my best friend Hunter Raven Knight. Rin , this is my childhood friend, Julia Callista. She lived in Greece for about 5 years, and she'll be staying in our apartment for a few weeks!" 

I only nodded at her statement and eyed Julia from head to toes. She had golden hair, shining brightly under the sunlight and striking blue eyes. Her height was acceptable and she had an incredible body proportion. That's when my eyes averted to the man sitting beside her.   He had long silver hair that arrived at his neck and surprisingly, he had grey sharp eyes. 

'Grey eyes? That colour of eyes was rare.......' I thought, observing his every facial traits.

"Miss Callista, who is he?" I asked, tilting my head towards his direction, when she doesn't present him to us . The man snapped his head towards me, when he noticed he was being included in a conversation. 

"Oh? Him? He's Heinrey Sohan-Cyprus." Julia answered, smiling.

"Heinrey?! THE Heinrey from  our childhood?! What is HE doing here?!" Olivia asked, shocked as she uses her hand to cover her mouth. I stared at her, questioning what's wrong with her. From all I know, Olivia was always a very bubbly person and she rarely lose her composure. 

'Eh, guess everybody has a flaw.' 

"Yes. He wanted to come with me, and I thought you'll be glad to see him. Are you not?" Julia asked, a bit sulky. I said nothing, but instead, I just leaned myself on a wooden pole while still observing my best friend. 

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'Heh, guess that's where I got that annoying nickname---- The Deadly Observant Wolf. Tch....those repulsive morons gave me that nickname because I'm always observing everyone and there was once a rumour saying that whoever met me, they'll die, which made me laugh so hard when I heard it.  Eh, guess that didn't help me make new friends.' 

"Wait------what?! You guys live TOGETHER?!" Olivia yelled out of surprise, catching the attention of some people chilling on the terrace. I glared at them, sending only one message: "mind your own business" and they quickly returned to whatever they were doing. 

"Via, calm down. Let the girl explain first before fainting, alright?" I said, as I catch her while she pretended to faint. I shook her a few times, snapping her out of her thoughts. She nodded, then signaled Julia to continue.

"Well thank you, errrr.........Hunter, right?" she asked, uncertain while I just nodded. "To answer your question, Olivia, no, we don't live together. Heck, I have a boyfriend! We just stayed in contact through all those years and when he learned that I'll be visiting you, he wanted to come too. I accepted, as I thought it would be nice if you saw him again, no? After all, we were so close back then....."

"Yes, but-------don't you know the danger of bringing him here?!" Olivia said, beginning to turn pale. I frowned at her comment. Him? Dangerous? I changed my mind and thought again. Hmm.....well, apart his silver hair and grey eyes, he would be pretty much normal. Pretty much. 

"Am I Olivia? Am I not like the others? Normal?" the silver head man asked, hurt.

"You....." she gulped, before continuing. "Yeah, you are normal, Heinrey. I didn't say anything." Her expression softened, then she pulled out a chair and sat down, but far away from him. Julia didn't seem to notice as she picked up the menu, but Heinrey and I did. I stared at him for a few seconds, having enough time to see the pain reflected in his eyes before it changed into indifference.

"So, I'm curious about you, Hunter." Julia said, after she finished looking at her menu.

"There's nothing interesting about me." I said, not even bothering to look at her while I'm still scanning through the choice of desserts. But, from the corner of my eye, I saw her dumbfounded expression. I took my sunglasses down, then inserted them in my pocket while sighting. "My name is Hunter Raven Knight, 19 years old,  daughter of Sir Claude III. Nickname? Rin or Ru."

"Uh okay...... Tell me, how did you meet Olivia?" the golden-haired girl asked again.

"The way we met doesn't matter, don't you think?" I asked, putting down the menu. 

"You are quite........um......." Julia said, choosing the right word to describe me, but I knew what she was thinking. 'How could such a rude and harsh girl befriend with my kind and optimistic friend?' Before she could add anything else, a waiter came to our table.

"What would you guys like?" the male waiter asked, a charming smile on his lips.

"I would like a chocolate sundae with whipped cream and extra chocolate drizzle and also a lemon iced tea please." Julia answered, batting her eyelashes as she adjusted her posture. 

"A milk boba tea for me. Half sugar with ice." Heinrey said looking straight into the waiter's eyes. I noticed the waiter gulped and then scribbled the orders on a small notepad. I would be lying if I said Heinrey doesn't have a very......hostile and unfriendly scary aura around him. But it didn't really bother me, since I learned to live ignoring the things that didn't concern me. After all, why would I go search unnecessary problems that would only waste my time?

"Old-fashioned vanilla ice cream dipped in dark chocolate and coated with nut crumbles please." Olivia asked, using her biggest charm-----a bright smile, revealing her perfect straight white teeth. 

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