What if the Domino rulers never got imprisoned in the Oblivion ; but lost their daughter Bloom during the battle? What if they see her by a prophecy written in the Book Of Fate after a long 20 years? What if all in the meeting got shocked when they...
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Bloom: A simple and sweet fairy. Loves her family, friends and fiance upto infinity. Loves everyone from core of her heart. She can't hate someone except Valtor. She never knew that she is a princess. She is enthusiastic, energetic, intelligent and had all the good characteristics of a person. Helping minded. She works as a doctor. Her foster family lives in India. She hates Valtor from core of her heart for what he did to destroy Magic Dimension and her relationship with Sky.
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Valtor : He is evil. But has a good part as well. An obsessed lover of Bloom. He tries to break the relation between Bloom and Sky. But none of them worked. He loves Bloom for infinity and beyond it. He'll do whatever to get Bloom and make her his.
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Sky: Prince of Eraklyon. Fiance of Bloom. He was totally obsessed with Bloom and wanted to make her his. But his parents never accepted Bloom. But finally he convinced them and got engaged with her. He tried to get her, but she always said no to him and told him that they'll do it after their marriage.
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King Oritel and Queen Mariam : Birth parents of Bloom and Daphne. They lost Bloom when she was 1 during the battle which company of light fought against the ancestral witches. Always loved both of their daughter to infinity. Still searching for Bloom even after 20 years passed.
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Daphne and Thoren : Elder sister and brother in law of Bloom. Both of them don't know who is their sister but still they love her. They are also searching for her with her parents.
Other characters are same as in winx club series.
See you all soon with the first part. Till then, tata 👋 👋 👋
And wishing you a very happy new year. May this year give you prosperity and love. May God bless you all.