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    I put on a pair of black jeans and a white chiffon blouse. I finished my shift at Chick-fil-a about four hours ago and Nate sends me a text informing me that he would be pick me by 8:30 pm, so I sit around after dressing up.

    I stare at my self in the mirror, I have no make up on and my hair isn't braided, straightened or curled. I sigh and pull out my make up bag from my drawer while checking the time; 8:14, sixteen minutes left.

    I open the bag, most of the contents are new. I bought them months ago for my aunt's wedding. I fish out the powder and dab some on my face with the puff. I choke on the excess that escapes into open mouth.

     I glance at myself through the mirror and shrug. Next I pull out some red eyeshadow and decide to use silver and black, I apply some and glance at my self again. I shrug. Fair. Definitely not Gigi Hadid but fair.

    I pull out some eyeliner and use some although my lines aren't straight, I manage to do both eyes and move on to mascara and then blush. I finish that and my phone beeps. A message from Nate.



    I stand to leave but remember one thing- lipstick. I pull out red and fill my lips with the colour. I feel proud and stand straight eyeing myself in the mirror. I grab my purse, slip into a pair of black flats and head downstairs. Annalise is standing by the microwave warming something.

She looks up from her phone and stares at me covering her mouth in shock. "Holy, sh-"

The sound of Nate's car horn interrupts her. I don't have time to ask her whats wrong. So I leave the house and enter Nate's car.

"Hey!" I greet him as I enter the car looking down and struggling with my seat belt.

"Hey!" He replies. "Do you need help with that?" he asks referring to the seat belt.

"No thanks. I'm fine." I reply still looking down and struggling.

"Okay, you got it." He jokes before starting the car and pulling out the driveway.

    After some seconds of struggling the seat belt clicks. "Finally!" I let out smiling and looking up for the first time since I entered the car. I notice the mocking smile on Nate's face. "What? You didn't think I could do it huh?"

"Well not really. I-" He looks at me. "Holy shit!!!" He almost looses control of the wheel because of his sudden out burst.

"What the hell!!!" I equally yell as he almost hits the red car to our left.

"Y-y-your-your face." He stammers while trying to split his attention between me and the road.

"What's wrong with my face?" I ask scared.

    He doesn't say anything and points to the mirror between us. I take a look at myself. Nothing has changed from the room. I shrug "Whats wrong?"

    He gapes at me like I've just asked the most stupid question in the world. I feel embarrassed  and look for some wipes in my purse. I pull it out and begin to scrub my face aggressively with it, tears threatening to fall from my eyes. I try to hold back my sobs but one escapes.


"Ava, are you okay?"He asks concerned and I nod trying to hide my face.

Nate places his right hand on my shoulder while he uses the other to drive. "I didn't mean to be rude. I'm so so-"

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    "It's fine." I interrupt him sniffing slightly. I have learnt that letting someone see you cry is a sign of weakness. "How many minutes more before we get to the club?" I ask returning to scrubbing my face even harder.

"About five minutes." I notice his worried glance but I'm grateful he doesn't press the topic of my face any further.

    A few minutes pass and Nate pulls up into a parking lot. It's full of cars and drunk people and smokers. We step out and try to avoid getting soiled with puke or alcohol as we make our way to the black building decorated with bright red and blue neon lights, in front of the building is a lit sign:"A CLUB."

Pretty straight forward.

    We enter the building. It is packed with half naked girls and drunks guys. It feels a little hot and I use my hand fan myself lightly.

Nate notices my discomfort. "Are you okay?"

    I nod and he takes my hand in his and guides me through the crowd. The music is very loud and the club is very bright and dark at the same time. People are grinding and females are twerking on the dance floor making their already short dresses ride up their thighs.

    Nate raises his arm and waves some people over. I watch three people walk over to us. Two males and a female walk up to Nate and I.

    One of the males has toffee brown hair and is dressed in dark purple pants and a black dress shirt with it's long sleeves rolled up to elbow length and the other has quiff styled golden blonde hair and is dressed in a dark blue dress shirt and a pair of ripped jeans. I would say the latter looks carefree compared to his friend, but both are handsome.

    I glance at the female and she smiles at me, I return the smile. She has dark brown braided hair and dark skin. She has on a black sequenced dress that stops above her knees and black gladiator heels. It's a very short dress but she doesn't look slutty like the rest of the girl's in the club.

I already like her.

     "Hey guys!" Nate throws his arm around each of them pulling them in for hugs. They greet each other and Nate turns to me. "Guys, this is my friend, Ava."

    The guys just noticing me, smile and the black haired one which Nate introduced as Cedric pulls me in for a hug. I notice Nate tense.

"Are you sure she's just a friend?" The blonde, Jorge asks coyly as he places his hands in his pocket.

    I watch Nate's cheeks and felt mine redden at the comment. "Yes she is just a friend. Now can we get a booth". We get one settle down. I sit beside Nate because he is the only one I am comfortable with at the moment.

    After a few minutes of chatting, I begin to understand that Nate and the three go way back. I attempt to ask them what they do for a living but they brush it off and everyone laughs. I remain silent and the girl turns to look at me.

"Let's go get drinks." she suggests.

I nod and stand up happily to leave the booth for a little while.

She turns to Nate, Cedric and Jorge. "What would you guys like?"

"I'll have vodka." Cedric replies immediately.

"I'll have tequila." Jorge responds.

She looks at Nate. "And you?"

"Em, Nothing too strong. Any mild cocktail for me. Thanks." He replies. That's what I planned on getting too.

Cedric, Jorge and I think Amaka look at him strangely before throwing their heads back in laughter.

"Wow, you've really changed Nate. Are you getting married bro?" Cedric questions laughing some more while patting Nathan's shoulder.

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