Chapter 7~ The Ootori Estate

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Kyoya led the way up the fancy cobblestone walkway, trimmed with sculpted hedges and ornate fountains. Alyssa and Zera walked next to each other, with Kaoru to Zera's left and Hikaru to Alyssa's right.

"We've never heard that song before." Hikaru stated, and Kaoru continued speaking. "What's it called?"

"It doesn't have a name." Zera announced, before lengthening her stride (as best as she could) to catch up to Kyoya, Tamaki, and Haruhi.

"But evey song ever produced has SOME kind of name!" Both Hitachiins whined.

"What if it was never produced?" Alyssa asked quietly in a rhetorical manner, before also speeding up her pace. The twins stared after them a moment, then looked at each other in a silent agreement.

Kyoya led the group up the decorative staircase as the equally flashy doors were opened by someone who seemed to be a butler. He was tall and very handsome, with black hair, pale skin, and striking red eyes. "Master Kyoya, I'm sure you know that they've been waiting for you."

"Yes, of course, Sebastian. Thank you. Which office?"

"The second floor West office, sir." Kyoya nodded and head off, the hosts sticking close behind. Alyssa and Zera lagged a little as they took in their surroundings.

"Good luck, ladies." Sebastian whispered just loud enough for the girls to hear, then turned and walked down a side corridor.

Zera and Alyssa watched after him for a few seconds, wishing he hadn't left before they could thank him. Then they turned and quickly caught up to Kyoya and the others.

When they did, Kyoya cast a secretly worried glance at them out of the corner of one eye. "Try to make yourselves presentable. There isn't much else we can do."

Both girls immediately set to straightening their clothes and fixing each other's hair, since they had no formal clothes that could be changed into. Soon after, they reached a large mahogany wooden door carved with intricate designs. Kyoya looked at the door with a sense of loathing and dread. "Zera, you will have to come in with me. The rest of you will wait here."

"No." Alyssa growled. "Absolutely not. I go with Zera."

Kyoya studied her determined face for a moment , then nodded and knocked twice. And deep-voiced "Come in," was heard from the other side.

Kyoya's pushed the door open, and the three of them stepped inside. The door was closed behind them, blocking them from their friends and their last possible escape. Zera and Alyssa looked over the three hard-faced men who stood observing them, and the fourth, meek-seeming male near the only window. The three stern males all had the same dark hair as Kyoya, marking them as his father and two older brothers; Yoshio, Yuuichi, and Akito. The man by the window was lean, fair-skinned, and a bit shorter than Kyoya, with short brown hair, and brown eyes. He was presumably the driver who had hit Zera.

The tallest man sat into an extravagant leather chair behind the desk, eyes narrowed toward the two girls. "I don't think we've met. I am Ootori Yoshio; these are my sons Yuuichi and Akito. What are your names, girls?"

Zera glared ever so slightly, but bowed stiffly. "Zeralina, sir. This is my dear friend Alyssa." Zera's voice was thick with the forced politeness. "We have no power in our heritage, so it is an honor to have met you."

"I know you do not mean that, so enough with the pleasantries." He openly glared at Kyoya. "Why did you feel it was your business to speak with this girl at the hospital?"

"I was one of the last people to have seen or spoken to her. I was also closer to than an ambulance when she was injured, and so gave medical assistance until an ambulance arrived. At the hospital, I needed to make sure the assistance I provided was helpful." Kyoya answered, his voice sounding very controlled.

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