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~Ava's Pov~

     I was tired of these... these... DEMONS! I-I mean, Daemos. Hehe... I was going out for a walk, but, when I opened the door of my apartment, there was a little girl, lying there, unconscious. So, I obviously decided to be the bigger person, and I brought her inside my apartment, laying her onto the couch. When I did, she visually relaxed, and ears popped out of her head! Then I saw a tail slowly moving, like it was wagging. That's when I realized- those were... WOLF EARS AND A WOLF TAIL??? I suddenly heard someone behind me, and, when I turned, it was Rhys.

    "What is all this noise? And, who is that?" he asked, pointing at the little girl on the couch.

   "Oh, um..." I stalled, trying to think of a good excuse.

  "WHAT IS ALL THIS NOISE? I CANNOT CONCENTRATE WITH THI-" Asch started yelling, but then saw the little girl on the couch, who was rubbing her eyes groggily. 

   "W-where am I?" she asked, turning around to see Rhys and Asch, and gasped, her ears and tail dissapearing.

   "N-no. N-n-no.... this can't be happening.... just like to Mom and Dad... they're here to do the same to me..." she stumbled over her words, closing her eyes and backing away, towards the window. And, when she opened her eyes again, they were RED?!

~Rhys' Pov~

   As the girl backed away toward the window, she opened her eyes, which were suddenly RED?! 

   "G-get a-away f-f-from me, M-Mich-Micheal sent y-you he-here, d-didn't he...." she seemed to have trouble saying this 'Micheal' guy's name.

  "Who is that? What are you talking about?" Asch said, in a surprisingly soothing voice.

 "N-no, get away from me, you're working for him, aren't you? All of you are demons, working for him? DEMONS, YOU HEAR ME? GET AWAY FROM ME YOU FUCKING BITCHES, ALL OF YOU DESERVE TO DIE AND LIVE IN THE FUCKING NETHER!" she screamed, and fell to her knees, sobbing. All of us looked at each other in shock. Who is the person she's talking about? What is the Nether? I asked myself, questions tumbling around in my brain. 

  "Hey, what's happening......." I heard Leif say, then he trailed off, seeing the sobbing girl on her knees, her face buried in her hands. The girl's long black locks covered her face, and her dark purple sweater stained with tears. Then Noi walked in, and gasped, covering his mouth in shock. 

  "Come here." Ava said, pulling her into a hug, though I could still hear her sobs and hiccups. I looked at her in sympathy, but when she looked at me with her tear-stained face, all I got was a stone-cold look from her. I shivered as her red eyes bore into mine, and I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my head. I collapsed with a thud, holding my head in my hands. When I looked back at her, she had a shocked face, though I could obviously tell it was fake, partially because of the glint in her eye.

   "Rhys, are you OK?" I heard someone ask. I shook my head 'no', as the pain was becoming unbearable. I heard glass shattering, only to see the girl jumping out of the window, nowhere to be seen. A few seconds later, after Leif had used some healing magic, I ran to the broken window and looked out of it, but the girl was no longer in sight, when I heard struggling behind me. When I turned, I saw Pierce holding the girl, and I saw some blood trickling down his hand.

   "I saw this girl jump out of the window, and I caught her just before she hit the ground, where she would've presumably died." Pierce said. He had become a bit more used to socializing, and saying more than he normally would have. I saw him wince in pain, letting go of the girl, holding his hand.

   "I would have been perfectly fine on my own." she spat in disgust, turning away from all of us, before turning around and running to Ava.

  "You look like my Mom." she whispered, so soft I could barely hear it.

  "Thank you. Oh, by the way, my name is Ava, what's yours?" Ava asked.

  "My name.... I would prefer to tell you, without these damn demons around, and if I catch you snooping..." she warned, flipping up her middle finger, and Ava laughed. 

   "Well then, please tell me tonight." she chuckled, hugging the young girl once again.

   "Although I do feel comfortable telling you my age, so, here it is. I'm 11." the eleven-year-old girl stated. 

~Asch's Pov~

   I was hung on what she had said earlier. 'All of you are demons, working for him? DEMONS, YOU HEAR ME?' I mean, she isn't wrong though... we are Daemos, or, as some put it, demons. I thought, and I heard her say something about her age... or what ever it was they were talking about. 

   "I'm tired, I think I am going to go get some rest." Ava said. (Btw, she 'ordered' them not to call her 'Princess Ava', soo... yea...) 

   "Good night, Ava." The girl said smiling at her. As soon as she was out of sight, her face turned expressionless as she turned toward us, slowly, menacingly, creepily. I heard Noi gulp.

   "Well, well, well. What do we have here, a little girl? Aww, I could just cuddle you forever!" Leif said. (I almost put Travis XDDD) 

   "I wouldn't get to cocky there, y'lil bitch." she stated, her face remaining emotionless.

   "Aw.. what's the wittle eweven-year-owd gonna do, huh? Punch me? Ha, you would be a fool to even try." Leif taunted. 

   "Shut up, baka." she demanded.

  "Aw, to bad your mom and dad aren't here to help you. Oh, wait, I forgot, you were abandoned." Leif laughed, the girls face contorting to pure rage.

  "Speak ill of my parents again, and I will not hesitate to punish you, and the punishment you would get wouldn't be like ANY punishment you've had before. No, instead it would feel as if a hundred knives were stabbing into your heart, all at once, and yet you would never die. You would have a curse, immortality, but every minute, every second, every millisecond will be full of pain, a world of hurt, as you watch your friends die in front of you, nothing you can do about it. A world of no magic, no peace, no prosperity. Heh, it would be a world of destruction, war, anything opposite of a peaceful world. It would be you... against the world." She described what she would do, Leif's eyes getting wider and wider, and his mouth agape. When she was done, we all stared at her in shock, not wanting to get on her bad side. 

    "Good night!" she chirped, as if nothing had happened. 

    "Note: Do not anger her." Leif mumbled, still in shock. 

Alright! I finally finished the first chapter! I hope y'all enjoyed it, have a good day/night!

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