*Still at the Avengers tower*
"What the hell happened here?"
Sam stood at the door in shock. The four annoyed avengers walked towards the door.
"Call a meeting.Now."
Everyone knew Tony was pissed. Sam jogged off to alert the others. Steve,Bucky, and Nat walked towards the briefing room, Natasha subtly making fun of Bucky and Bucky still uncomfortable.
About five minutes later everyone was gathered in the briefing room. Tony pulled an image up in the screen.
"Ok listen up, we need to move quickly. Her name is Y/N. We had her in custody... but she escaped. We need her back her to determine her link with hydra. I just got an alert that she left the building. I want Clint to go with Sam and try to keep an eye on her. I'm assuming she is going to try and leave the city. Follow her from above and don't let her see you. If she gets on any train,bus, or any mode of transportation. Grab her. The rest of us won't be far behind."
Tony clapped his hands and just like that everyone else was moving. Sam and Clint raced to the roof where the moved from building tops until they spotted her.
"We've got eyes on her Tony. She isn't far. Went into an apartment building a few blocks away."
Sam and Clint stood atop the roof and waited for her to leave the building.
*your pov*I had made it to my building and had no doubt they weren't far behind me. I ran up the stairs and looked out the small window of the floor below mine to see a familiar red head looking around.
"damn it" I cursed under my breath.
I quickly and quietly made my way up the next flight of stairs and was relieved when I saw no one there. Then I unlocked my door and grabbed my bags.
Before taking back off I glanced up one last time. I had grown to like this apartment. It's a shame. And with that I made my way back to the stairwell and started back down.
Once I reached the door I slipped into the crowd on the street. It was probably around noon at that point so the sidewalks were crowded. All I had to do was walk to the bus station. It was about a ten minute walk. I could make it.
*avengers pov*"Ok she's left the building"
Clint's voice echoed throughout the teams ear pieces. Natasha left the building, meeting Steve in the street. They looked up to see Tony fly over them and Bucky a few feet in front of them.
"I've called in the asset"
Sam and Bucky groaned. They disliked "the asset".
"Why the hell does Tony insist on calling him 'the asset'??" Sam complained.
Clint shrugged.
*your pov*Yes! I was so close! The bus station was in view. I did a quick 360 view and it looked clear. I hurried my steps and started a slight jog.
Then out of nowhere I fall. I look down to see some white string wrapped around my legs.
"What the fu-"
Then some dude in a onesie lands on the ground in front of me.
"Sorry that kinda looked like it hurt."
I snarled. Reaching into my pocket I pulled out a pocket knife and cut the white stringy substance and jumped up. Judging by the voice of the attacker he was just some teenager. I slipped the knife into my pocket and started toward the kid. Before I could even get close enough he shot the webs from his hands and they wrapped around me causing me to stop. Then he did the same to my legs causing me to fall again. I was so close to freedom.
I struggled to get back up only for my shoulder to be pushed to the ground. I looked up and there was 'Nat' with her boot on my shoulder, holding me to the ground.
I groaned."You have got to be kidding me."
People around us had stopped to stare. Then a black car pulled up and I was lifted from the ground and tossed into the back, the webs still holding me back.
"Damn you blondie"
I heard Tony chuckle.
"Ha! I like it. I'm definitely gonna use that."
Steve sighed. The everyone else got into the front of the van. The back was separated from the front via wall but there was a little window so I was able to hear.
The kid that took me down was talking to Stark and Steve was talking to Bucky.
"So who is she Mr. Stark?"
The kid didn't even know why he took me down? He just blindly listened to Stark. Classic.
"We aren't quite sure yet kid, that's why we had to bring her in."
"She's not from space though right?"
Tony laughed and I rolled my eyes. My focus changed over to Steve and Bucky's conversation.
"She has some kind of affiliation with Hydra, it's just a matter of how. You recognize her at all Buck?"
Bucky shook his head, then obviously went deep into thought. Why the hell would Bucky recognize me?
Then it hit me. It all made sense. Metal arm, obviously some issue with Hydra. This dude was the freaking winter soldier. How the hell did he end up working with the avengers?
The van was moving for about 20 minutes. Then it stopped and I heard everyone get out. This time I couldn't fight back, I didn't have an escape plan. I was still 'tied up' for christ's sake.
The back door open and I was dragged out by my feet and was slung over someone's shoulder. I looked up and saw the spider kid walking with Stark. I glared at him. He caught my glare and shifted uncomfortably. Ha. This was almost funny.
I got to ride in the elevator this time. Woo. The team stayed silent still. Then we reached the same floor as I had escaped from nearly an hour ago. I sighed. Steve put me down in a chair, newly placed in the center of the room. Natasha came in and re-enforced the webs with some holding chains.
Well seems like my escape was for nothing.

Hidden (Avengers x reader)
FanfictionYou've been hiding from hydra for almost 8 years now, but while staying in New York they find you. Soon you find out that they aren't the only one's whose attention you've caught. I don't own the avengers characters except the main character!