❤️Chapter Fourteen❤️

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"Eren!" Mikasa squeals, looking dazed as she ran towards me, dropping her luggage, and giving me a hug. "I've missed you, Eren,"

"I've missed you too," I responded, hug her back. Now if you didn't know, Mikasa was the reason I was so fucked up. She was the one who caused me to have this disorder I don't even know the name for. However, I can't just hate her; she is my adopted-sister.

"You grown so much!" She gushes, squeezing my shoulder as she looked over at Historia. Her lips with red-lipstick formed into a smile. "Tell me about this girl,"

"Well, let's put everything away first, shall we?" I grab her luggage, which weighs a shit-ton, and I bring it upstairs for her. "So, how was Hizuru? It looks to me like you and Jean brought most of your shit with you,"

"信じられない事でした!" She exclaimed, not knowing what she just said. I tilted my head as she smiled, again. "It was incredible! Jean even proposed to me!" She translated what she said in Japanese.

"Congratulations, Mikasa," Historia congratulated her, Mikasa blushed, and nodded.

"Eren, tell me about this girl!" She exclaimed, again, shaking me. In which, I don't even know why Mikasa would want to know so much about Historia. There's just tremendous things about her — too much I can't even list.

"Okay, so since Eren won't tell me about you, can you tell me about yourself then?" She queries Hisu as she looks a little uncomfortable. But of course, her lips form into a smile — like always.

"I'd be glad to tell you about myself," She beamed as Mikasa smiled at her back. "After all, you are Eren's adoptive sister!" She started to giggle — oh, how cute her giggle is.

Like I told Historia, she is the whole package. I'm just lucky enough to receive that package: beautiful, sweet, caring, smart, honest, passionate, encouraging, responsible, and much more to list.

As I was too deep in my thoughts — telling you about how amazing Historia is, my mom asked me to help her with prepping the dinner table. I usually never — I mean never, prep the table. Normally Mikasa did it without my mom even asking her to do it.

       Mikasa was normally the responsible one out of me and her. I was usually the hot-headed bastard who got on my moms nerves. I may have been a hot-headed bastard as a kid; however, I am more successful in life than Mikasa.

       That may sound off — okay, Mikasa is successful don't get me wrong; but, I make more money than Mikasa — not to mention I always run a business across Paridis. In addition to Jaeger Enterprises, my brother, Zeke, runs a business in Marley as well — also known as Jaeger Enterprises.

        As I was prepping the table, I notice Hisu and Mikasa come back downstairs to see my mom. It seems like they didn't talk for awhile — maybe like 10 minutes or so.

       "Your son finally brought a girl home, Carla!" I over-heard Mikasa talking to my mom as I heard her squeal.

        "Mikasa, calm down," I hear my mom chide.

        Yes, for fucks sake, Mikasa; stop making such a scene on how I brought home the most amazing girl home.

        I peak over to the kitchen where my mom, Hisu, and Mikasa, I see that Historia is observing me as I prep the table for dinner. She was probably contemplating on how I suck at prepping tables and stuff.

       Hisu leaves the conversation with Mikasa and mom to help me prep the table. She gets closer to me as I can see that gorgeous smile shape that lovely face of hers.

       "Hello nice-looking," She wraps her arms around me, winks, and kisses my cheek. I don't blame her though — me and Hisu do have an addiction to each other with kissing. I'm sure she doesn't want my parents to see us doing that.

        She lets go of me as she starts to prep the table better than me. I'm surprised — very surprised. Historia basically grew up in royalty — her parents are richer than me. Yet, she knows how to prep a table better than me.

      Didn't I tell you she was a whole a package? I mean, I'm not wrong though. Historia is the whole package; like I said before, I'm just too lucky to receive that package.

       I got knocked out of my thoughts by bitch who was taught to kick guys in their dicks, cuddling with Armin. Now that I think of it, it's every time I'm lost into my thoughts about Hisu I get distracted easily.
        I notice Mikasa jump onto the two love birds and claps her hands yelling that dinner is ready.

         I sigh, not knowing what the fuck is wrong with my family — mostly Mikasa.

         "Dinner's done," My mom announced as she set all the food on the table I — no, Hisu prepped. "Anything to drink?"

        "Water please," I and Hisu replied at the same time.

        "You guys even talk at the same time!" Mikasa claps her hands — Ugh, that damn clapping of hers is annoying as fuck. "I'll get them so mom doesn't have to do two things at once." She dashes out of the room.

        Hisu glances at me, knowing how fucking weird, and creepy Mikasa is. She reminds me of a crackhead sometimes.

        "Sit next to me," I whisper in her ears as I pull out a chair for her and sit down next to the chair Hisu is now sitting in.

        Mikasa returns with water for me and Hisu as we're all seated: me, Hisu, my mom and dad, Armin, that big nosed bitch Annie, and now Mikasa.

        "So Eren," Mikasa tried to utter, but she was too busy devouring her Ham. "Where did you meet Historia?"

        "She filled in my spot for an interview at your Brother's business," Annie, but what I call her: Big nosed bitch, or girl who was taught to kick men in their dicks, replied for me.

        "She was sick and didn't want to wait another nine months for her interview. You know how your brother's business is always busy," Hisu interjects.

        Big nosed bitch nodded at Hisu's reply, as I rolled my eyes. I may be strong and all; but this bitch was taught to kick me in the dick. I already got kicked in the dick before — it hurts like hell I'll tell you that.

         "So, how did Mikasa and Eren become adopted siblings?" She asks my mom. My mom won't really know the answer to that — my dad does.

         "I am a doctor that travels around the country," My father talks for once today. "When me and Eren went to Mikasa's house in the Mountains of Maria, we found Mikasa's parents dead on the floor along with the kidnappers to sell Mikasa, and her mom for sex,"

        My eyes widened at what part my father was going to get to. You may not know, but I, and Mikasa murdered the kidnappers that were trying to sell her for a sex-slave. Also, I don't want to talk about how Mikasa fell head-over-heals in love with me a few moments after that incident.

        "Mikasa and Eren murdered the three kidnappers so Mikasa wouldn't become a sex-slave," my dad finally ended the story.

          Hisu gasps at what my father just said about how Mikasa became my adoptive sister.

          "Excuse me," She announces to everyone as she walks out of the dining room, out to the balcony in the backyard.

          "I think she just wants to see the backyard," I announce to everyone, trying to make myself sound cheerful.

         She doesn't want to see the backyard, I feel like she wants to stay away from me after what we just talked about.

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