This is a rewrite of my other story, I won't update often but I'll try (no promises) to get at least one chapter each month. I have more experience with writing, and I'm not nearly as busy as I used to be.
this contains violence, sex, a...
Before I go to sleep I put on a black, sherpa hoodie, it's the only thing I have from before the accident. I turn off the light and wrap up in blankets to fall asleep.
~In The Dream~
Me and Toby were in my car singing along to the radio, when the music stopped. "Damn it!" I said smacking it. "D-Don't hit it, th-that will only make it *tic* worse" Toby said stopping me. I saw and heard an ambulance coming up behind us so I pulled over. When I was getting back on the road a truck came flying at us. I tried to get out of the way but I was too late and the truck hit my car. Toby was unconscious and I was barely able to move, but I opened his door and pushed him out before fainting.
~Back Out Of Dream~
I woke up sweaty and crying. "The fuck was that-" I muttered confused. I brushed it off and changed into this minus the jacket:
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I brush my hair and go downstairs. I sneak past my mom who's past out on the couch with a bottle in her hand. I walk out the door and get in my car, when I go to start it I'm hesitant after that dream. I start the car and drive to school, I park, grab my bag, and walk inside. I manage to get to class undisturbed.
~After The Last Class~
I put my stuff in my bag and walk out. "Hey, why don't you go into a coma no one wants your depressed ass here" Brittany says. (understand that I am not supporting bullying) I freeze at her words but walk out holding up my middle finger. "And no one wants your rude ass any where" I reply. I walk down to the entrance to see Hitori waiting for me. "Hey girlll!" she greeted me.
"Yo wassup"
"Ok- so.. like there's this hot new guy, I saw him drawing in class and he's really good! I sooo ship him with you!" She said
"WHAT?" I yelled. " I haven't even met him, and if he's 'so hot' there'll probably be girls fawning over him." I replied.
"What ever.... Anyway there's supposed to be a full moon tonight, do you wanna go to the clearing in the forest and camp tonight?" She asked me.
"Sure, I'll see if I can go out, you know how Lauren can be" I said. We parted ways and I drove home.
I walked in and was greeted by a wine bottle thrown at me.
"Ah fuck..." I mumbled looking at my bleeding leg.
"Bitch go clean the damn kitchen" Lauren said completely sober. I went to the bathroom and took care of the glass in my leg then wrapped it up. I proceed to clean the kitchen. When I was done I went into to living room.
"Hey L- Mom I was wondering if I could go camp tonight with a friend" I asked
"Yeah what ever just clean up the bottles in my room." She replied probably not even paying attention to what I was saying.