🔮Ch.19: Phantoms Shouldn't Mess with Fairies🔮

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"Was that an awesome job, or what?" Natsu laughs, brimming with excitement as he and the rest of Team Natsu return from their shared quest.

"Well, the client sure seemed to think so."

Natsu, Happy, Erza, Gray, Lucy, (First Name) and Kageyama, along with the latter twos' Pokémon partners were glad to be back.

Of the group, Erza pulls a large wagon filled to the brim with luggage, while the rest carry more moderate amounts for the required journey

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Of the group, Erza pulls a large wagon filled to the brim with luggage, while the rest carry more moderate amounts for the required journey.

"I'm just glad, for once, that there wasn't any collateral damage for me to clean up." (First Name) remarks, resulting in agreeing nods from her Electric-Types, Kageyama and his Sneasel.

Pikachu! (Me too!)

Pichu! (Me three!)

"Face it, you guys are just lucky that I decided to come along." Gray smirks.

"We're lucky that you begged to come with us? How do you figure?" Natsu retorts, his happy demeanor turning sour at his rival's boasting.

"Because you were about as helpful as one of Erza's suitcases. (First Name) and I could have handled that job, easy." Gray responds without missing a beat.

They instantly slam their foreheads against one another, getting in each other's faces and sending the other dirty looks.

"And here they go again." Kage sweatdrops.

"You better watch your mouth or I'll pack you like a suitcase, pal." Natsu growls.

"That doesn't make any sense." Gray retorts.

"Alright, that's enough, you two." (First Name) slides her hands between the twos' faces and pushes outwards, shoving them apart hard enough to knock them off their feet and onto their butts. "We've all had a long journey back and we all need some rest."

"Just like Gray needs to put his clothes back on

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"Just like Gray needs to put his clothes back on." Kageyama adds.

Sneasel (Yeah.)

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