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I couldn't believe it. Theo is standing in front of me in the middle of the night. Was I dreaming?

"Theo?! What are you doing here it's late and it's cold outside." I say with a harsh tone and a shocked face.

"Heyyy Athenaa." He slurs his word and trips
on his own feet making him grab the door frame for support.

"Are you drunk?"

"Are you holding a knife?" He burps halfway through his question. Yeah, he's drunk.

I shake my head and ignore his question. "Just get in before you get sick." I help him get in. He eventually stands on his own and I put away the knife.

"I'm tireddd, let's go to your room." Theo wines.

"Not until you answer my question. Why are you here and drunk?"

"I miss you. I wish you were still my tutor." He loses his balance but finds it shortly afterward. "And someone made me pretty mad and jealous so I blew off steam by drinking a couple of beers." That wasn't the answer I was expecting. "Hey look, I am turning into my dad." He laughs but I don't. I hate the way he always compares himself to his dad.

"You are not turning your dad! How about this, you can go to my room to sober up but you're not sleeping here. Who knows what will happen to you if I let you wander around the street drunk."

"I would get into another fight." He grins but I don't find the joke funny. I scoff and brace myself as I help him get up the stair and into my room.

He plops onto my bed and I get some water for him. I return and see that he made himself cozy by taking off his shoes and wrapping my blanket around him. Not going to lie, he looked so adorable.

"Remember you're here to sober up not to sleepover." I remind him and hand him the water.

"I was watching a movie before you got here looks like we are going to finish it together." I resume the movie and lay beside him but still left room between us.

"You can come closer I don't bite." His eyes are half-closed but he still has that smirk on. I don't think much of it and move a bit closer.

"Do you like him?" Theo asks out of nowhere.

"Who?" I turn to him.

"That guy, Cameron."

He's asking this now? Gosh, he's so confusing.

"No. Why?"

"Because you kissed him. That hurt me, Athena. It shattered my heart." His eyes now fully open but they looked lost. I remember that he's drunk so I try not to fight with him.

"I only did it because uh because I-never mind. And you shattered my heart first remember?" I look away from him.

"That's why I did what I did. You can be mad at me but it's for your best. I had to let you go. 2 weeks ago, I realized that I was holding you back from happiness and no matter how hard I showed you that I changed or that I wanted you, you'd never be satisfied." He says in a raspy voice almost like he's trying to swallow the lump you get when you're about to cry.

I turn off the movie and lay in bed with him. I mirror his position. I face him with an arm resting under my face. I stare at those dilated hooded emerald green eyes.

"I thought you liked playing fire with fire. You said you'll never stop."

"What's the point, the fire will soon die off. We will soon die off. I'll get tired of trying and you already don't like me so I decided this is for the best." He moves closer for me to hear better. We didn't realize that we were whispering.

"I don't don't like you. I mean yes you are mean, controllive, and possibly toxic but that doesn't mean we can still be friends." Now that I say it out loud my offer sounds stupid.

"And we are back to square one."

There was a second of silence. We just laid there staring at each other.

"The only reason I went back to Lauren is because I wanted to feel something. After admitting that I need to let you go, I felt this emptiness in me. No matter how many times me and Lauren did stuff together my mind would go back to you and imagine that it was you that I was with. I guess it's time to let that go huh?" He scoffs.

I don't say anything. It felt like I was the drunk one because my mind was spinning out of control. Fuck being just friends.

I move closer and crash my lips onto his. It didn't take long for him to respond as he kisses me back cupping my face. He gets on top of me laying in between my legs. He uses his other to prop himself up. He removes his hand that was on my cheek and moves it down to my stomach gripping my waist under my shirt. He pulls away to take off his shirt. How far will I let this go?

He quickly reconnects our lips and kisses me a couple of more times before he tugs in the bottom of my shirt. I take off my shirt leaving me just in my plaid pj's and plain black bra. He pulls away and rakes his eyes up and down before re-attaching his lips to mine.

"Fuck." He breathes out and starts trailing kisses down my neck. I take a second to breathe. Was this really happening?

He lets me flip us over so now I'm on top of him straddling his waist. I place my hand on his hard toned abs. He sucks on my neck but more harsh this time. I lightly rake his back with my fingernails. That seemed to turn him on as I feel him harden and he digs his hands deeper into my waist. All of a sudden I hear the garage door slam shut. Fuck.

I push Theo off and try to look for my shirt. He scrambles around trying to find his shirt as well. I try to hide him in my closet but that doesn't work. I'm fucked.

My heart beats out of my chest as I hear my mom's footsteps going up the stairs. I hear them getting louder and louder as she comes closer to my room. She doesn't enter instead she keeps on walking down the hall into her room. Thank god! She must have had a long night and I also did text her that I got home safely.

I let out a huge breath that I was holding in. Theo looks at me relieved. We both let out a nervous laugh. I can't believe we got away with that. I walk over to him.

"You still drunk or do you need to rest for a bit?"

"I think it's wearing off thanks to you. But I'm still a little tipsy." He grins. I punch his arm.

"You can stay for ten more minutes." I walk back to the bed. Oh no, now it feels awkward between us, well at least for me. Was this a mistake?

I get in bed and face the other direction so that I don't have to see Theos face. He must think I'm ignoring him or something. He's drunk so I hope that he doesn't sense my change of mood.

I close my eyes and before I know it, I'm fast asleep.

A little steamy chapter for you guys. Thank you guys so much for 1k votes!! I love you guys💕

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