Chapter One: Arrival Upon Earth

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"Landing engaged," the pilot says behind the ship controls in the language he calls his own. "Touchdown in three... two... one."

There is a thud and soon the ramp extends downward for their descent.

On the ground exterior to the inconspicuous cave entrance, there are a handful of soldiers and commanders awaiting their Great Leader's greeting. In the events that the Great Leader had undergone off-world preparing the fleet for what is to come, he had instructed them to continue the process of hunting the rest of the Garde children. Assuming they had made progress, there will be stricter protocol if they hadn't.

All of them bow their respects in his approach, down a knee and a hand across their chest. With the Eye of Thaloc gripped in his enclosed palm, he instructs the one at his feet to rise.

"General Sutekh," he begins. "Had you made any progress to the objectives I sent out to you?"

"Beloved Leader," the General states nobly in a heavily accented dialect matching that of the humans. "Indeed, we have made progress. We believe to have located one of the last of their kind during your absence, traversing about in Arkansas."

"The last?" he questions. "That is rather intriguing General."

"Yes," the General answers. "We also have reason to believe that they are joining forces. Hiding in Alabama. Situated at a ranch of empty field we assume. Though they have tight security measures set in place, so we are unable to confirm our suspicions. We thought it best to seek your personal approval before launching any sort of attack."

"Show me," he grumbles in command, gestures toward the cave, and orders the others, "The rest, prepare yourselves."

"Yes, Beloved Leader," they say in unison, and the General walks onward.

As they walk, the General briefs his Beloved Leader on the Garde that his squadron found, separate from the rest. A girl; seemingly the oldest of them all, with an appearance of neat chestnut hair and eyes to match. Passing through a barren field at Little Rock, Arkansas.

Until eventually they reach the dark and grim southwest comms room where dozens of scouts and trueborn are scouring the internet and digitalizing information on the Garde. Behind one monitor, sits one in control of communications with a group of scouts near the girl.

"This is her," tells General Sutekh. Looking closely at the diverse camera angles, it is easily identifiable that she is in fact the oldest. Her height and façade show that she must be in the age range of sixteen to seventeen. "We've been watching her for a while sir. She acts and talks like one of the humans. If she is one of the—"

"She is," his Beloved Leader informs strictly; he can see that at first glance. "She is the first. I want a strike team sent to her location immediately. Don't let her pass through that state." 

A Long Ways From HomeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora