26 ~ Code Breaker Part 2

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Disclaimer; Any material related to Teen Wolf is, sadly, not mine. Excuse me while I go and cry in a corner.

This is the last chapter for season 1! Enjoy!

Chapter 25 – Code Breaker

"This is what brought your sister back to Beacon Hills, right?" Scott asked shaking the paper in his hand.

"Where did you get that?" Derek asked him almost shakily.

"My boss told me three months ago someone came into the clinic asking for a copy of this picture. Do you wanna know who it was? Peter's nurse. They brought your sister here so that Peter could kill her and become the Alpha, and that's why you're going to help me."

Oriana looked at them in disbelief, her tears coming back at full force. Derek leaned back against the gate, his muscles coiling and jaw clenching.

Scott sighed, looking defeated at their speechlessness. He turned his back to them, letting allowing them a moment to come to terms with what he'd just revealed. "Just say you'll help me and I'll help you unlock your other – "

A loud clattering noise came from behind him.

Scott span around to see Derek had broken the restraints himself and was rubbing his wrist. He looked up at Scott with stony eyes and growled lowly, through clenched teeth, "I'll help you."

Scott watched him dumbly as he moved quickly over to Oriana.

"You're gonna have to hold her down." Derek muttered under his breath as he took in the mess that was Oriana's leg up close. The clamp was attached just under her right knee cap through the bone and muscle. He winced, remembering her screams.

He quickly touched the handle with his finger tips and pulled his hand back with a low hiss.

"It's completely coated..." He looked around for something he could use. He spotted a rag on the floor nearby and quickly picked it up. He carefully wrapped the rag around the handle and touched it again. Once he was sure that it would work he gripped the handle tightly in his hand.

Oriana cried loudly as Derek jostled the metal stake inside her leg.

Derek muttered sympathetic apologies at her and nodded at Scott.

Scott nodded back and stood beside Derek. He carefully lifted Oriana's leg, his cheeks warming as his hands gripped her thigh.

"Stiles is gonna kill me." He murmured. Derek shot him a menacing glare.

Oriana gave a broken chuckle. She gripped the edges of the table tightly in both hands, bending both of her legs so her feet were flat against the surface of the table, as Scott held her right leg tightly so she couldn't move it.

"Okay." Derek warned them. "In three..."

She closed her eyes tightly and braced herself for the pain.


He started to twist. Oriana screamed. Scott winced but held strong.

Derek moved as quickly as he could, twisting and turning, the squelching noise turning his stomach. He could feel the resistance as the stake was in there tight, and the wound had attempted to heal itself some around it.

Oriana felt like she was screaming for hours. And then the pain stopped. Okay not all of the pain, because she still hurt like a motherfu –

The loud clanging interrupted her thoughts.


Derek threw the clamp onto the concrete floor in disgust.

"You okay?" He asked Oriana concernedly.

She nodded and tried to sit up. The boy rushed to help when she gave an audible cringe. With their help she swung her legs off of the table and sat up. She closed her eyes and rested her forehead on Derek's shoulder.

"I wanna go to bed now." She mumbled.

Despite themselves, the guys chuckled slightly.

"The wolfsbane needs to work itself out of your system." Derek informed her. "You're going to feel like shit for a few days."

"Let's just get out of here." She grumbled.

Derek put on his shirt and jacket from the pile next to the electrical boxes, and grabbed Oriana's too. He helped her put on her shirt and jacket and then Scott was allocated to carry her, as Derek's sudden burst of strength was quickly waning.

Derek stumbled after Scott as they left the room that had been his and Oriana's prison cell for the last few days.

Finally, they made it to the end of the hallway and out of the old metal doorway that led to the forest near the back of the old Hale house.

They started for the house. Derek paused, feeling the hair on the back of his neck stand up.

"Hey. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on." Derek called out from a little ways behind them. Scott stopped and turned around, holding Oriana tightly in his arms. "Something doesn't feel right."

"What do you mean?" Oriana croaked out through her sore throat. Scott carefully set her down next to a tree. She leaned against the trunk heavily, putting all of her weight onto her right foot. Scott stood close by and wrapped an arm around her waist, helping to hold her up.

Derek looked around the dark woods surrounding them with unease. "I don't know. It's - it's kind of like it's – "

"No, don't say "too easy." People say "too easy" and bad things happen." Scott warned. The Hales rolled their eyes. "What, do you think finding you was easy? Getting away from Allison's dad? None of this has been easy." Scott finished passionately.

Derek nodded and tried to relax his coiled muscles. "Fine. You're right." He allowed.

Scott threw his head back in relief. "Thank you." He muttered.

Not a second later they heard the whoosh of an arrow being fired and Derek was down.

"Derek!" Oriana called, moving to help him but Scott held her tightly against him, looking around frantically for the shooter.

Scott and Oriana caught sight of Allison and Kate kneeling on top of a small hill in the distance. Allison was holding the bow, Kate hovering over her shoulder like a devil, with a smug smirk.

"Now the leg." She cooed into Allison's ear. Like a good little hunter Allison quickly docked another arrow and let it fly.

Derek went down again with a groan.

"Flash bolt." Kate ordered.

Scott stared at Allison dumbly. Oriana tried to pull him down but he was frozen as were his arms around her.

"Cover your eyes!" Derek yelled at them from the ground. Oriana shut her eyes tightly.


The arrow whizzed past them, missing Oriana's cheek by mere inches. The arrow exploded into spark and because Scott was too busy gaping at his brainwashed girlfriend to listen to Derek's warning, he fell to the forest floor, dragging Oriana down with him.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2021 ⏰

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1y ago

god kate is disgusting ! after everything she did she still doesn’t care or feel sorry even when death is right in front of her damn face ! she can’t even genuinely be sorry for killing innocent ppl , and it’s honestly sickening !

2y ago

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