Serious Conversation - Part 54. EDIT

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As you slouched backwards into the comfort of the chair you were sitting in. Kylo could feel the sudden change in your posture.

Closing your eyes for a moment, you wanted to collect and process all the information that had been given to you, Rai was something who you had spent most of your childhood and teen years together, you knew what he was like and how he'd react depending on different situations. But this was the first, Rai never got angry, he never reverted to anger or violence before, well, technically not until now. The air was thick with tension, Rai didn't mutter a word towards you or anything within the room. He, himself could also sense that you had become a completely different person too, he knew you as a kind and compassionate person at heart, but he also knew that if your loved ones were to be in danger, you'd stop at nothing to protect those who needed protecting and saving those who needed it.

This is one of the reasons he didn't hold back in telling you what had happened to him.


"when I approached the group of people, I thought to myself that I'd been saved, they treated my wounds. Even though they were minor scratches and bruises, they fed me, bathed me and even allowed me to travel with them until they'd reached a settlement or a town" Rai scoffed, not angrily but more of a sigh. "To be honest, I should have realised who and what they were going to do but I was too relieved to see other people, kind people, even if the kindness was fake". Rai lent back in his chair, placing down the cup beside him "But I didn't think they were that kind of people, y'know?" He looked at you with pitiful eyes but as soon as both of your eyes locked together, he averted his gaze. "Once I'd completely recovered from all the problems I had, we had reached a little town. Too small to even be classed as a town, more like a village. They started to unload their carriages, I thought maybe they were stopping by this place until they carried further onwards but as a few days went by, I kept feeling this little picking in my stomach, but I ignored it since they had saved me". He winced at the thoughts that were now flooding his mind. "But that all completely changed when another carriage appeared in the village. At first, I thought it was supplies etc". Utter Sadness painted Rai's face.

He grasped his face within his hands, bending forward almost as if he was cradling himself. "They were only children" he muttered. You flinched, knowing where this was going, pushing yourself forward with your elbows upon the chair you answered Rai "Slave traders?" you questioned, feeling sorry for your friend but it wasn't uncommon within this world or even your own. You sighed "Rai" you muttered. He looked up towards you, you nodded at him "It's not uncommon here for Children to become Slaves" you muttered sympathetically "You of all people should know this..." you trailed off, knowing that Rai was innocent until he became to this universe. The Orphanage was more like a home to Rai then his own home, Rai's father left his mother and him when they were young and decided he was better without them, Rai's mother completely fell apart afterwards and because Rai looked so much like his Father, his mother couldn't even look at him without feeling contempt, anger and the betrayal. After a few weeks since his father left, his mother began beating him, starving him and in the end, she gave him over to the Orphanage. Rai knew why he was being given away and couldn't come to terms with hating either of his Parents, they were young then they had him, and he knew his mother wasn't the type of person to be able to take care of him even with extreme help from another adult or his Father. To him it meant a better life for himself and possibly his parents.

You sighed again and began talking to Rai "You seem to forget the ins and outs of the Orphanage, that we were brought up in. Most kids that come to the orphanage aren't so happy with what their parents did to them or how they could just give them away" you closed your eyes thinking back to the days your parents decided to give you and your brother away, how it was a cold, winter's evening when both yours and your brother's powers awoke, how Nagi could see into people's dreams, feel their feelings and even sometimes read their thoughts. I freaked your mother out to the point she began calling Nagi a monster and that she didn't give birth to him, Nagi being only 10 when his powers awoke didn't understand why she was so upset and angry with him, You however, didn't have to worry too much about your own, they knew you had power but you couldn't tap into them no matter how much you were trained or taught. In the end, your Father decided with your mother that you both needed "to be left in the attention of people who knew how to help you both". Your mother never saw you both off, she just nodded to your father and left without a hint of remorse or love for her own children, Anabelle was all she needed even if she was your twin sister, she cared more for her then her other two children combined.

Kylo could feel and see both the events swimming around in your mind. Knowing all too well what it's like to have a parent in which didn't express their love for you or even at least was there for you when it mattered. "But Rai. What you're feeling is understandable and I can tell that a lot more happened then what you're talking about". Rai flinched as you slide out this sentence, he slightly turned to the left looking away from you all "And I'm not going to ask you to tell me, Rai. It's obviously too painful for you to remember it. But know this, Rai. This universe is a lot more unforgiving then ours" you leaned back into your chair, crossing your arms over your chest "Believe me, I know".

Kylo glanced over to you and smirked underneath his helmet "She's not lying". The whole room could hear the slithering darkness within his voice.

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